in(being) that key 1 in ABBC is mean, means(messenger) & meaning of y’all asz thoth(tsz), great go(a)d of art(being) sigh’ence(breath) letter all y y’all asz a na y forma’sszz z  z fun ny action way of eve(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) being being reflected reflection inward(word).  Y?  Y?   Y?  Y/yod/you is that ‘desire'[<L de -from + sideris star e(iya)] that ‘from the ~~~}}}}} STAR E(iya) {{{{{~~~immutable causeless cause still stillness//immortal immortality ccc constant constantly computing(reflecting that in(being) appearing a pairing asz any reflection) center centered centrality asz that being being that that that I am is is y’all y’ll a long & short a A w(h)ile appearing/a pair’ing asz memory//mem man’as mind’or y//me or you in(being) now k’now’ing out(x) asz that y un//nu y now k(urved)now(k’now’ing) that backg”round an y y na way of eve(wave) re y na me(((d’na/denied out(x) w/intent of potential y asz ‘x’ ka’ing y na an y thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’king z y x is tsz(that star e) by super face”ing y’all ‘t”all tales/tails in(being) superimposition of y directed out(x) asz y x ka’ing an y//a kurving now around complete rolls/roles forma’sszz z  z e’turn’ity of that y we’all/y will/y wheel turn out(x) the tale/tail by way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function of ‘opening mouth’ asz organ of speech vibrating motion of ka’s all breath breathed breathing out(x) over voc’all A c(h)ord(s) in(be”am’ing) sound ways of eve(waves) re y function of mere(mirror) echo echoing that ka’s all(causal) ka’s mic\/mic ro ro  ro’way of eve(wave) backg”round asz way of eve(wave) re y ‘dhi’ation~~~[[[[[ < Skr. dhi to perceive, to think, to wish, to desire + (t)at i\/I on/am-that(aten) I am ]]]]]~~~.

ABBC Key 1, B, the Magician means house, that first(key 1) place ‘in the beginning’ is in B being a Aten/a 10  one zero singular singularity w/a twist re; 0 w/x = 8, that zero singularity now k’urving backg’round time(now) appearing/a pairing asz too(two twa twy”istsz) opposites opposed above & below = a’sz y y x(out) is tsz w/a ‘twist’/x.

Key 1 = first place being being that I am asz I magus Image Image”n”ing Image”in’ation//Image in(being) aton i\/I = a ten\/ten a = zero sum one appearing//a pair’ing asz too(twa two twy’is’t) or zero/0 w/a x/twist = 8 + 2(two) = a ten.

Set before the I magus is table representing that ‘field of view/you/y’ asz tabulated tableau of y’all y’ll appearing/a pairing in any way of eve(wave) re y function mere(mirror) y being now k’now’ing being y asz x’s tense first person personic singular present that that I am is is.  That table appears square & flat symbolizing the ‘squaring away’ & x planing, flattening out(x) any a na y roll/role of the k’now, time & time again k’urved around asz that ma'(sszz z  z) re y g”round.

Thus that ‘guard’ is that freestanding watch asz way of eve(wave) re y function y out(x) merely(mirror’ly) reflection reflecting being being that stare y way asz too(two) hey eve’n(a) out(x) that (d’)ord’or of magnification of that mere(mirror’ing mirror))guard guarden’//felt feeling field of view/you/y being y’all alone(indivisible) guardian asz singular awareness that that I am is is asz reflected reflection out(x) of an y y na.