In that y’all touch & are touched instantaneously by that ka’s mic mic’ro “super’ way of eve(wave) waving backg’round directly & instantaneously by any mere(mirror) function of contact, that con of tact of that untouched non-touching untouchable discretion in(being) that hermetic hermit hermes yod/you/y you’re; you.

That ‘con’ of any mere(mirror duplicity) y na you now dupe duped duplicity is reinforced directly & periodically & instantaneously asz apparent/a pair’ent contact w/in(being be”am’ing that back”round) that invisible indivisible individual ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi being to perceive that ka’s mic backg”round instantaneously at any time or place by mere(mirror) sense of touch touching that untouchable indivisibility asz an y y na you now(time) bodhi being to perceive any t(h)ing’king appearing/a pairing in that memory/me or you felt feeling field of view/you/y asz y’ll/w(h)ile(cunning daring deadly duplicity) still(immortal) being alone(indivisible).

Thus any any ANY  touch is in essence experience of instantaneous Mr. re ‘union’ w/that invisible indivisible ka’s y’all(causal y) ka’s mic bodhi ka’m’ing backg”round of any felt feeling field of view/you/y.  Being that being of such indivisibility means n’eve’r(e) being out(x) of touch asz any way of eve(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) contact is that touch touched touching that ka’s y’all(causal y) ka’s mic backg”round of feeling/fielding being alone(un(a)touchable/indivisible).

In(being) other word(sz) you never touch the toucher, see the seer, be the be’er as other than being being that, that that I am is is.