In(being y be”am’ing x(out)) that way of eve(wave) re y function merely(mirror’ly) y being out(x) being (Mr. re)iterates that immutable stare y w/ay asz an y y na x ka’ing y na a”a an y now k’no no  no’w’ing asz that positive negation/reflection asz that ka’s y’all(cause y’all) bodhi being to perceive that asz ka”m’ing/kurving b(l)ackg”round in(being) sheer duplicating duplicity y you yod hey and yeh. >>>>>>>>>>???????????????::::::::::::::::yYy::::::::::::::::???????????????<<<<<<<<<<<

That first law of any mere(mirror) way of eve(wave) re y function = that reflected asz a na y mattertimespace remains complete & completely changeless motionless still stillness(immortal immortality) throughout y’all y’ll appearing/a pair’ing in(being being) memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you.

Thus any any ANY a na y function//fun’ny”a’ction is mere(mirror) being being an y y na potential appearing/a pairing z y asz x now out(x) k’now’ing x’eting/anding/duplicating information/in(being)forMa’sszz z  zion[OE Sion < LL < Gk. Sion, Sion < Hebrew  tsiyon hill] y hill/y’ll that caring(desiring) carrier carrying way of eve(ma)(wave) re y z z  z once/one ce’ng &’ing a w(h)ile/duped duplicitous duplicity sublime subtle bodhi being to perceive energy/en y erg(urge) to that way of eve(wave) re y function asz mere(mirror) being being.

Thus any any ANY a na y erge/urge asz too(two) ways of eve(waves) re y function merely(mirror’ly) re-iterates/duplicates that that I am in(being) now k’now’ing z y x(out) of the first place asz that constant(((that I am now k’no no no’w’ing))) constantly computing/reflected reflecting reflection that I am is is that stare y tsz w/ay now k’now’ing out(x) y x is tsz appearing/a pair’ing x’eting/anding/duplicating in(being) memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you.

Y’all may find that a w(h)ile in(being) a na y ‘situation’ y’et being that that I am is is that status of still(immortal) freestanding stare y we all(wheel) appear/a pair in(being) memory//mem man’as mind’or y//me or you to turn in the first place.  Thus any any ANY ‘situation’ is merely(mirror’ly) asz though(tsz) reflected reflection of that, that I am stare y’ing out(x) at the screen reading this now in mere(mirror) function of y seer sight seeing x(out).