Any any ANY mere(mirror duplicity) an y y na you now single singular indivisible individual seer sight seeing y out(x) is super(over) natur(e)”al(l)y y’all that awareness of awareness that that I am is is super imposed(asz though(tsz) now k’now’ing out(x) that state status of that free freed freedom stare y’all stare y’ing out(x) over z(ayin) y x is tsz asz y x’s tense first personic present now singular super duper over(super)-seer sight seeing of that that I am is is that seer(one who sees) seen scene fielding/(bio/by ‘o’) feel’d(hi)’ing out(x) y’all y’ll still stillness(immortal immortality) state of free freed freedom standing of that stare y/you now k’now’ing((((kurving time after time again & again & again asz y out(x) in(being be”am’ing) complete d”ark’ness/rolls/roles of that ka’s all(causal)’black’ bodhi being be”am’ing to desire backg”round asz sound way of eve(wave) re y per sonic function of mere(mirror) echo echoing y’all asz ka’s all(causal) ma re y g”round ka’s mic bodhi backg”round & around & around in(being) e(iya) turn’ity of y we all(wheel) appear/a pair asz too(two) appearance/a pair’ance in the first place being being in memory as too(two-me & you) turning into any roll/role of  y’all y’ll still(immortal) being indivisible invisible individual ‘super’ stare y ‘ing over seer sight seeing super imposed asz a na y nature//y na t(at) u (a)re//y na that you are now k’now’ing out(x) & about at any a na y time or place a k’urving backg”round in(being) that super(over) way of eve(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) turning that back(re)g”round by superimposing a na y super-face’ial ending in(being) opening mouth asz organ of speech speaking releasing that tale/tail asz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing forma’sszz z  z too(two) siddhis, asz too(two) super sonic sides siding that formlessness w/potential forma’sszz z  z sound ways of eve(waves) re y function of mere(mirror) being being reflected reflection reflecting asz memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you.


Thus behind eve’re y way of eve(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) being being is that mere(mirror) ka’s(cause) y’all ka’s mic/memory-intelligence-consciousness ka ma’ing backg”round asz any any ANY mere(mirror) an y y na me apparent/a pair’ent role/roll of that immortal immortality motionless super natural stare w/ay asz too(two) he(y) eve’n(a).