“When the next breakthrough happens, I predict it will take a regression to childhood, in a way of looking at reality that focuses on something in physics we don’t even realize is true, & turns it on its head.” R.A.Muller, Berkeley physicist

That I am finding this statement truly amazing for a physicist to make, reaffirms that realization requires not so much a gain a’s a regression to a freer state of living w/in narrative mind w/out giving it pseudo predominance over seeing realizing ‘picking up on’ a being still in the first place being that, that awareness that I am is is.

“Nor is well-informed master commanded by an ignorant servant.”

“Consequently, if human beings are to be what they are, & what they can be, & live out their natural years free from harm, they must as adults return to the Way.” anonymous on the ‘Way’ of the Tao

Tao = Way of that which does nothing & yet there is nothing left undone.

That that way (method/means/meaning) called tao is pre-existing  modern theory of quantum physics, does not negate its validity as relevant anymore than the prehistoric art of drawing is invalidated now, except thru academic bias & that ignore-ance based on a flaccid modern totalitarianism of relativity.  It seems non-actual, non-objective reality, both ancient & ever modern (mode re nu), remains ever available to realization by any individual at any & y’all time.

That that way may seem to be lost in the “hopeless intricacies of intellectualism” offers value for cutting short that discriminating mind which must by its design, intellectually separate that subject that, that I am is is, from named object now as though”tsz appearing to be other.

“Tao has reality & substance, but no action or form.”…….Chuang-Tsu;  Chuang-Tsu was to Lao-Tsu as Plato to Socrates……..Lao-Tsu offered wisdom for man who would be King & concerned w/correct Taoist way to rule.  Chuang-Tsu had no interest in social-political matters.  His message was addressed to that rugged individual who turns his back on social commitment in search for the fulfilled life/liberation.LIBERATION. . . LIBERATION . . .IT’ Z ZA’BOUT FREEDOM, FREEDOM NOW, FREEDOM FOREVER

“It was born before heaven & earth but not long ago.                                                             It was there before oldest antiquity but it is not old.”  …….Chuang-Tsu on the Tao

“Our ordinary life only touches the fringe of personality, it does not cause a commotion in the deepest parts of our soul.                                                                                 Why let ourselves be tyrannized by intellectual accumulations?”……..D.T. Suzuki

Today there is still(immortal immortality)a valid means, a way to realize that, that I am, w/out turning your back on social commitment, drawing, with & w/out pen & paper.  That I am talking about seeing which is completely different than looking means that we all(wheel) turn & return asz too(two) seer sight seeing naturally w/out realizing invisible reality of that seer.  Consider that, as when driving a vehicle.  We all(wheel(sz)) in turning a steering wheel must keep our focus in seer sight seeing as such & as much as possible, to avoid accident & injury.  That I am pretty sure all drivers have experienced that sudden terrifying moment when realizing drifting off into narrative thought wherein eyes ‘slide off’ focus for a perilous moment or two, offers a way to grasp that of which I am speaking.  In actuality, we all(wheel) in turn(ing) do this most all the time when not driving, but w/out the sheer terror of the consequences of high speed collision to catch our attention & jolt us back.  Risk free driving is self-enforced seeing in which we all turn consciously into feeling that freedom which may be attributed to speed & the open road.  Yet, even on foot, if paying attention, we all(wheel) in(being) taking turns & twists may find this same freedom of the open road, the way of tao, freedom from the prison of narrative thought by coming back to seeing, paying attention just as at 55+ mph.  Observe how the internal chatter ‘lays’ down by allowing focus to open back up to the complete field of view/you the seer stretching to the periphery side to side above and below, 180-DEGREES all around.  This seer seeing is now drawing w/out pen & paper & offers the same interlude always available as being now not mere mirror being reflecting reflected thoughtsz of being that seer, that one who sees, that silent invisible invincible friend y’all along is (h)our true nature.  It is only natural that asz too(two) find in that interlude the pure pleasure of still mere(mirror) being being that w/out thinking otherwise & sinking into the stinking troubles of the narrative mind.  It may help to realize that terror of mortality is always at hand whether driving or walking or even merely(mirror’ly) waking.  That imminent death is the pickle that motivates realization while living here & ka now awhile. That’sz Y, y you’re; you asz though’tsz appearing in time space(now awhile) out as eX u’all, sexual y’all.  That that is really a beautiful thing makes me laugh as well as cry.

Realizing that, in that every(her eve’re’y body) moment we all(wheel) may in(being) turn(ing) find discern ‘pick up on’ infinite potential for creativity, allows an artist to live the fullest life possible, beyond self imposed restraint & limitation, or not. Y na me.

“If you can catch a ball, thread a needle, or hold a pencil & write your name, you can learn to draw skillfully, artistically, & creatively.”  Betty Edwards

Betty Edwards is truly an avatar of our age & her book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain aka DRSB offers several methodologies for that realization that that I am is is.  That I am finding folks saying “Oh I can’t draw.” leads me to ask,  “would you say, ‘oh, I can’t write'(or better yet, ‘I can’t see'(that)?”  The only impediment to drawing & realizing is our own self-denial.  The ONLY impediment to drawing & realizing is our own self-denial.  WHY deny? WHY WHY WHY WHAT are we really here for?  WHAT are we looking for in all this?

“…I have found that for some of my students, the information (on the difference of brain hemisphere function) seems somehow to slip out of their minds & lose its aura of interest & importance.  My half serious theory about why this happens is perhaps the left verbal brain does not necessarily want to know about its silent partner, & having heard the message, perhaps proceeds to forget it(IGNORE IT) as soon as possible.”    Betty Edwards DRSB {y’all about desire}

Having taught young (& old) folks, that I am as too(two) finding this to often be the case re-affirms this statement.  That denial serves the actualizing mere(mirror) function of narrative mind as reasserting being reality of who we all(wheel) turn into assuming to be being asz being that mere(mirror) reflected asz thoughtsz reflection now appearing being me or you in memory.  You may, as that I am advising beginning drawing students, avoid the discouragement by any inner voice of doubt, by speaking to that your narrative mind straight away. Reassure that mind, which has been given as such determination & control for so many years, that it will surely come back into play after a short interlude of conscious seeing/drawing.  Too further enhance the establishment of this interlude, various right/visual brain methodologies are applied as well.  Thus the narrative mind, almost w/ a palpable sigh(psy) of relief, surrenders its hold w/out feeling threatened by that awareness of its pseudo dominance, its artificiality of intelligence.  This sense of relief is due to the fact that narrative mind is not of the design to carry over the reality of that, that awareness that I am is is.  It seems that narrative  mind is rather unwittingly acceded pseudo dominance as a mere(mirror) notion/reflection of that reflected awareness that I am, under the spell(ing) of alphabeta, for mere(mirror) analytic function in the an y y na you now potential actuality.  Fully conscious seeing/drawing instantaneously dispels that artificial dominance in seeing realization of the eternal(((eiya/you/yod asz though(ts) ‘turning y’all y) na’ture of that, that I am now seer sight seeing.  That is why drawing should be a parallel to development of cursive handwriting at about the age of seven when alphabeta spell(ing) coalesces.  Thus we all(wheel) would in turn(ing) retain conscious access to complete awareness in a being still in the first place that being, that I am, even on into adolescence & adulthood, to live a fully natural life w/out the obsession compulsion for that denial & ensuing y belief in(being) nothing(an y na).

In drawing as in driving the pencil keeps moving just as wheels keep turning even tho focus has slipped off the road.  The result in drawing remains before our eyes to be seen & tho startling in that it has faint resemblance to that subject being observed, avoids risk of high speed locomotion.  In drawing, as in driving, is seeing the result of this slipping off, right away.  This easily observed error offers an advantage over the possible rut of mere quietude of meditation (why in zazen meditation is always done w/eyes wide open to attempt to avoid sliding off into narrative thought) wherein an equivalent alpha state is found.  Plus, you have something to show for precious time spent.  This advantage also has the problem of judgement on the merits of the result.  No one else can really judge whether your meditation (unless they have you hooked up to an EEG machine) was successful or not.  It seems all judgement is relative, & of course we all(wheel) turn into our own severest critic, so do not be overly concerned in beginning drawing, w/the result.  Remember, you are doing this to realize that, being that kA’s mic being that I am is is overstanding seer sight seeing understanding reality sublime.  That indivisible seer sight seeing predominates y’all notions asz thinker thinking that I am now separate from y’all asz any y na you now thought to be otherwise for other you’s(use). Thinking is itself a tripartite functional process of formation, judgement, & structured belief.  In our early stages of developing thinking before the nearly complete coalescence of alphabeta, thoughts run free of judgement & ensuing belief.  In our relatively free youthful narrative mind, belief is not necessary as a being now still in the first place being that awareful awareness cannot but be that, that that I am is, is always heart & center centered centrality of present singularity even while appearing/a pairing in memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you to evolve in mere(mirror) an y y na you now potential actuality.  As alphabeta coalesces we all(wheel) in turn(ing) are culturally compelled to adopt a belief as an y y na notion of being or becoming.

In natural drawing various methodologies offer opportunity therein to draw on seeing seer realizing that indivisibility by(being y) that I am is is rather than thinking that I am is is y na you not now an y y na’thing.  Seer seeing realizing this state is called ‘zen mind’.

Zen, that ‘boiling over a blazing fire’, is a dhyana/practice in stillness/equipoise/immortality of a being still now in the first place being of such a’s that, that I am is is.  Rather than seeking to compute new or additional data, a short, abrupt cut back into one singular being, being of such, that one may asz too(two) experience satori/realization, is the way of zen.

Zen koans, seemingly non-sensical sayings, act to release the attention from the prison of that thinking, conceiving narrative mind in much the same way as drawing on right/visual brain drawing methodologies.  Below are some examples of mondo, a question / answer exercise to initiate satori wherein that alphabeta spell(ing) is abruptly interrupted.  Thus the question must be asked w/the charge of serious hair fire want fire of desire to know who or what y that I am is is.  If there is no charged question, no answer will be forthcoming as that, being that, that I am is is, continues to ‘fill’ in despite any & all occasional doubt precipitated by relevance & irrelevance in potential actuality.  Until we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) serious doubt arising through ‘eating the bread of sorrow’ that question may never arise & we all(wheel) do not in turn(ing) ‘taste real life’.

Q., “Who is the Buddha

A., “Dried up dirt cleaner”

Q., “I do not understand.”

A., “Neither do I.”

Q., “Where is the Buddha?”

A., “I don’t know, I never met him.”

Q., “Where is the self?”

A., “What would you do w/a self?”

Q., “What is the Tao?”

A., “The everyday mind.”

Q., “What is the everyday mind?”

A., “When I feel sleepy, I sleep.  When I want to sit, I sit.”

Drawing methodology is analogous to this abrupt interruption of that thought stream that fringes our personality in a conceptual wreath blinding us from realizing our true person.  Thus the subdominant narrative mind is given a role of attempting to define or deny that ‘who’ of who we are, a role it is not designed for.  When given the option of relinquishing that responsibility, found in attempts at drawing, the dualistic thinking thoughtful mind, readily & instantaneously accedes dominance to seer sight seeing even after decades & even lifetimes assuming that role.  Yet, if never given the option, being the trooper that it is, narrative mind will continue its pseudo dominance, apparently/a pairent’ly asz thinker(subject) thinking(object) ad infinitum ad nauseam.

“The weight of 89+ years’ regret & guilt, the spine-bending, mind-tweaking cache of blood & bone as black bag of timeless sorrow, is lifted as easily as a dry blade of grass by the hand of that knowledge realized as that, that I am.” —-as witnessed by Willie thru several hours long sessions of drawing his dying father’s portrait.

More koans;

“When you have a staff, I will give you one                                                                                     When you have none, I will take it from you”………Ye-sei (Hui-ch’ing) 10th c.

“Knock at the emptiness of space                                                                                                              and you hear a voice;                                                                                                                                   Strike a piece of wood,                                                                                                                                      and there is no sound.”

“When water is scooped in the hands,                                                                                                   the moon is reflected in them.                                                                                                               When the flowers are handled,                                                                                                             the scent soaks into the robe.”………..Ho-yen, when asked, “Is there any difference in the teaching of the Patriarch & that of the sutras, or not?”

“Empty handed I go, yet the spade is in my hands.                                                                     Walk on foot, & yet on the back of an ox I ride.                                                                                 When I pass over the bridge,                                                                                                                        lo, the water floweth not, but the bridge doth flow.”………….Fudalshi

No meaning is sought in the expression itself, but w/in ourself, in our own mind, our true sense of being that, that that I am is now awakened w/the experience.  That realization of understanding that, not in making sense of language which merely(mirror’ly) reflects ideas, is in the abrupt experience of that disruption of an y y na ‘train’ of mere(mirror) thought thinking of itself.  That is satori.

“From the first, not a(n y y na) thing is.”………Hui-neng, 5th patriarch of southern zen Buddhism

Buddha. . . .Buddhi. . . . .Bo being + dhi to perceive. . . . any bodhi being to perceive ism, is m(em man’as mind’or y//memory) an y y na now out(x) x’eting/anding/duplicating in(being) an y y na duplicitous duplicity-cunning deceit.

“From the first to the last, one thing (that I am) is.”……..Adi Shankaracharya

There you/y ‘have’ it asz y na thing is that.  This crucial blunder of followers of Gautama Buddha, finding that denial of being, being that in order to gain an y thing asz y no thing enlightenment prevails in Buddh’ism'(An y Buddha Buddhi Bodhi asz an y y na bodhi//d’na y’ll(denial) w(h)ile cunning deceitful duplicity of mere(mirror) apparent//a pair’ent memory//mem man’as mind’or y//me or you is still sought asz a gain only to lose by many to this very day.

Thatz y ‘no thing’ is possible only in that actuality of potential d’na y’ll(denial) to be y or y not.  That failure to appreciate realize discern apprehend ‘pick up on’ being reality w/out actual actuality ways of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) fun’ny'(a)ction function, was successfully rebutted by Adi Shankaracharya who restored the lineage of Saraswati/Ka knowledge & thus exiled Buddhism to spread beyond the borders of the subcontinent.  Still today, India is less than 2% Buddhist.  Tho Buddhism would spread to China, in the end it is said, “First Buddha took China, then China (Tao) took Buddha.”  The affirmation of being that one single singular indivisible thing, that tao,~~~}}}}}t(h)at a’ll pha/phi o/ayin/I am{{{{{~~~ that I am is is, naturally displaces the denial of being that, as that being is is required asz too(two) eve’n(a) an y y na conception of an y y non-being, found at the root of Buddh’ism'(or an y y na ‘ism’-mere(mirror) that a’sz is m(em man’as mind’or y//memory & that nihilistic belief in an y y na/no’thing.  Avoid the void by(being y) realizing that I am is is because that I am cannot but be being being(sheer(transparent) duplicity yod/you hey vav(and) hey).

“The spring mountains are covered in greens, layer                                                                 after layer, in utter confusion;                                                                                                                     The shadows are seen reflected serenely in the spring                                                                waters below.                                                                                                                                                   Between the heavens & the earth in a lonely field                                                                     I stand all by myself before a vista whose end nobody                                                           knows.”                            The Hekigah Shu  (Pi-yen Chi)