Yod / Iota /E, I, J, Y = key 9 in Alphabeta Binary Code / ABBC.  Yod, symbolized as open hand indicates infinite potential actual way of(wave) functional causality power, means\/meaning, direction, dexterity.  This potential is the predisposition in ignore-ance/intentional disregard of that indivisible being w/in being w/out(x) of such as realizing that awareness, that that I am is is.

Yod is initial letter of the tetragrammaton, that 4 letter aton, yodheyvavhey(IHVH), a term designating that indivisibility of the individual appearing/a pair’ing in sheer duplicity asz though(tsz) of that Iota / ta(t) I ayin(o)/that I am is is.  That awareness of that is is the ‘what’ & ‘why’ of ‘what is this all about & ‘why?’.  That awareness of that is is the free freed freedom expressed thru appearance/a pair’ance(duplicitous – there is only you/yod/y duplicity) y’all created creature creation, symbolized as the hermit in that 3 dimensional pictorial book of wisdom, the Tarot(ABBC).  The hermit is that ‘old one’, the ancient of days referred to as that that I am is is in hermetic science, the predominant subject subjective awareness of y’all being w/out(x) asz a w(h)ile – that duplicitous duplicity, y’et(and(ing) still(indivisible immortal) being y w/in that first person, that I am is is, y we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) refer & defer to(((that I am born; that I am walking, talking, crying, etc. etc.))) w/out realizing that w(h)ile awake & completely embrace(fall back(re) into) when falling asz z  z”leep into un(a)consciousness.  That is, we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) completely fall back(re) into that cause(ka’s y’all/causal y ‘black’ blackness bodhi being to perceive, to think, to wish, to desire), that I am is is in actuality(tricky duplicity), disappearing back(re) into what you/yod are/a re a y’all along.  That it, that ancient one, y’all, seems isolated from you upon waking is due to that ignore-ance in acceding focus/attention of intention under the spell(ing) of narrative memory(na me) based on learned name, vocabulary & conditioned thought/memory.  This superimposition is potentially possible due to complete hermetic non-attachment of that awareness that I am is is to any named or as though(t) conceived objectivity, objective intentional action, no matter how much learning develops in na me/narrative memory.  The ‘how much’ (quantus/quantum) as apparent measured measurement is in reality ever that ‘of such'(qualus / quality) being, the hermetic hermit hermes yod/you, that now appears/a pairs in the duplicitous waking state a’s the duped fool.  That hermit, that, that I am is is, appearing(streaming as though(t) now (ka)now’n//kurved time after time in way of(wave) functional actuality as foolish fooled fool, actor in action, is ever still the most (w)hol(l)y whole ancient one / purushaha, that first person(that I am) of person-na(not), concealed w/in y’all, that seer(one who sees) never seen or that scene as though(t) object(s) in objectivity.  That hermit/fool is apparently entangled entanglement simultaneous simultaneity synchronicity of source & goal a’s causeless cause of that manifest & unmanifest.  Realizing that is cause for laughter & joy even when seemingly immersed in extreme tears & sorrow, depending always(waves) & only on/in(being) you alone(indivisible individual).

That awareness that that I am is is at the bottom of y’all things as well as above y’all, expressed in the axiom, ‘as above so below’ symbolized by the ‘=’ sign.  That sign is referred in ancient Egyptian as the ‘two lands’, the heavens & the (h’)ear’th.  The hieroglyph for yod is either one or two reeds that when combined = the sea of reeds (im)parted in the exodus from the bondage of that spell(ing) of polytypic relativity.

Key 9 = number of completion analogous to key 0 /fool/alpha/A as beginning & end.  0 is the source & 9 is the goal.  The fool / 0 of the morning turning to the hermit / 9 at night = the ever young ancient of days, that permanence in the midst of impermanence, bodiless in the midst of bodies.

That hermit stands/stares in darkness just as darkness stands/stares behind the ‘ring pass not’ of visibility, that zygomatic horizon that encircles our field of view(of you/yod) limiting our ‘y'(you/yod) 360 degree orb to less than 180 degrees of x(out) sight(psy’t)”m’ent.  That darkness, that (w)holy krst that follows & fills y’all seer sight seeing streaming a’s the interior conscious kryst/christ consciousness of all cognition in that ‘divine operation’ that that I am/you/yod is is’, that felt feeling (bio)field of view/you/y pervades y’all form as gold pervades y’all form of bracelet, necklace, etc.  That ancient one, that paramam purushaha, that first person immortal immutable immortality, seems cold & abstract from the warmth of every da’y light life yet ‘streams’ that invisible invincible light / el I going forth hey tauteth/ that knowledge, knowing/realizing which, everything is known, not realizing which, one may be led to believe in y nothing(((an y  y na thing’k’ing merely(mirror’ly) seen as eve’re y thing’k’ing, re;d’na y’ll(denial duplicity) of that thing’k’ing y’all still(immortal) y positive negation x(out) of y by an y y na//mere(mirror) reflected reflecting reflection out(x) in(being) w/intent intentional disregard asz y thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’king out(x) x’eting(duplicating forma’sszz z  z a w(h)ile cunning crafty deadly daring duplicity)))).  The hermit, y that I am, seems being alone(immutable), yet, eve’n(a) y’all y’ll in potential actuality, ‘fills’ all apparent multiplicity w/ the reality of being that, wherever & whenever that I am going, doing, or even just thinking of thinking a w(h)ile of being alone(indivisible individual).

If we reason/think about that, then it seems far off as in(being) that other even to the edge of space time, yet in truth of every circumferential circumstance, that I am is is intimate center centered centrality/ccc/c’er c’ite(city) c’ing in(being) y’all asz y daily personal ex’perience.

The hermit / that I am is is eternally y y’all internal urge/energy/en y erg for realizing freedom as that guard guard’n  guardian that bears the fruit of that seeming isolation, that I sole soul at(i\/I)on implied in y’all that I am seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, & smelling.

Psychologically, that is the state of conscious realization of the universality of y’all that seems seemingly personal.  Thus it includes first hand knowledge that is eternal freedom projected through slavish attention to myopic detail found in mere(mirror) name, form, & function.

Thus the Krst / Christos is apparently begotten/projected/streamed but never indeed or misdeed gained or lost.

Yod, unlike God, never actually does anything, remaining reflected in(being)(being)in y’all way of eve(wave) re y function that mere(mirror) observer observing observation.  Imagining that, we all(wheel of fortune & mis(sed) fortune) may & must turn asz too(two) give Yod a chance.