We are all visual artists, visual be’ng  that may draw & be drawn on at any time eve’n w/out pencil & paper by drawing on that humanity, that hue & cry of man’as mind-ity(i\/I t(at) y- I (am) that Y, that ? Y-I am that?),  as though(tsz) of being other than that, that that I am is is.  In that, seeing is being, is that singular singularity song of non-doing, non-acting observer observing observation.  The rite of passage to L-mode objectivity way of(wave) function is purely an intellectual in word act of action-less potential actuality under the spell(ing) of alphabeta & naming of apparent form to inform, for the sake of informality & information.  Reality of the indivisible in’visibility of any individual that awareness that that I am is is remains eve’r(e) to be’ng seer see’ng now, under that spell(ing), as though(tsz) ‘falling’ as’z z  z’leep into objective cases of, for, by, into, from, etc..

In taking up a pencil, many will say, ” that I (am) can’t draw”.  This denial is analogous to that denial of realizing being that awareness that, that I am is is.  The resistance or ignore-ance of drawing skill comes about from acceding dominance to the artificial id or notional identification w/named apparent form which coalesces w/language consciousness at about age 7.  [” 7 is the great Biblical number, many books of Old & New Testaments being written on plans of 7 ”  Just as we have 7 days in a week, 7 represents a temporary cessation, not final perfection or realization.  At age 7 we reach a temporary completion just as a 7 day week is a temporary completion only to begin a gain or loss on Sunday which is complete in itself, everyday being a ‘sun’day, every being is complete completion at any age as that sum thing sum time that that that I am is is]

At that time, age 7, we begin to look at a reflection in a mirror now as though(tsz) around k’now’ing being an actual face of that, that invisible awareness that I am is is.(We never see the face of Yod, the ‘face’ of the seer, the one who sees)  Thus we all(wheel) in turn(in’g) seem to fall, like mythical Narcissus, under the spell of actuality, of actually being that reflection & its mortality.  Falling under that spell(ing) we all(wheel of fortune or mis(sed) fortune) in turn(in’g) now awhile(time space) appear to disappear, appear to ‘fall’ as’z z  z’leep to our death, yet reality of that awareness, that I am remains eve’r(e) sum thing sum time still stillness invisible & indivisible & immortal immortality.  Thus the artifice of person-na is years in the making & seeming blending of awareness w/named self consciousness.  Yet, like oil & water, the reality of you/yod/that I am & named apparent form only seem to mix in that actual potential to be, that able/abel to be’ng, that ca(i\/I)n do, is mere(mirror) formality. Thus at 7, the Great Work, the Great Experiment of human being, that ‘hue & cry’ of man’as mind, tho seen a’sz y x ka’ng now(knowing) a’sz x(out) y na, as y’ll d’na, as though(tsz) denied, has come to an y y na or y’ll d’na, denial of completion, yet when considered, when see’ng as the nature, the n(un) (t)at u r/re(y na t(h)at u/you (a)re), the re(divine)Source, the Worker in the Work, being  mere(mirror) being of such, it must “succeed, down to the minutest detail”, be’ng that complete completion y’all along.

Drawing, eve’n w/out pencil & paper is a means for interrupting that spell(ing) which requires merely(mirror’ly) the desire to do so, to see w/out ‘sliding’ into narrative thinking, which is a propensity of conditioned notional id or “I’d rather d’na y, deny y that I am as I’d(id) come to accept my name(that completely arbitrary word which could have been ‘Jiggy boogie’ – hi I’m Jiggy boogie!?!) as being who (that) I am (is)”.  Thus as time seems to go by we all(wheel) in turn(in’g) may feel  having invested too much attention a’s too(two) relinquish that notion, that arbitrary Id.(id) artificial artifice of person-na.  In that I am recommending having a conversation w/that guy we all seem to turn into, have come to know as such so well & reassure them they will only experience a greater glory, a complete conversion in a way of(wave) functionally recognizing the version of the con that’s accepted is a poor cousin, a faint mere(mirror) resemblance of that cosmic singular effulgence that awareness that that I am is is in non-actual, non objective subjective reality.  We all still as though(tsz) turning may experience the instantaneous melting away of the mirage(mirror’age) of y person-na like a dream on waking.  Difference being that y person-na just as quickly ‘re-congeals’ as though(tsz) in that blink of eye.  Maturity comes in learning to balance realization of y person(purushaha) that I am w/person-na y that I am not, now appearing in actuality for whatever karmic, actual functional purpose is ‘at hand’.  It seems we all(wheel) may just as easily turn as too(two+) learn to live w/that realization as we all learn to live by turning into denial of that, that awareness that I am is is.

The problem seems to be y person-na, that  y’ll d’na(denial) of that person(purushaha), being an artifice, may feel threatened by that potential to be exposed as the x poser y that it, person-na/id/identity, is.  That is why  having that conversation as there is no need to be hard on yourself by taking everything person-na-ally y’all.  We all are turning into victims in a way of(wave) our very own ignore-ance, our own y’ll d’na denial of that, that I am is is in actuality of causal causality y’all along.  Drawing, with or w/out pencil & paper is a valid means of realizing that.  It seems in all the infinite infinity of the cosmic(Ka’s mic-memory-intelligence-consciousness) universe(that verse/w(h)ile/y’ll of you/yod) there is no force inimical to that realization other than (h)our own ignore-ance, our own being y’ll d’na(denial) which we all turn as too(two+) control w/desire.  Desire that, that realization & you may find the universe responds in kind.  Not desiring that, it seems universe will accommodate accordingly for as long as it takes to ask Y, to seek Y, to discern that I am is is a’s ex(out) ka’ng Y, Y is you & you are, always, all waves here & (ka)now & x(un(a)) ka now’n.

Drawing is seeing, realizing in that blink of eye, eons passing back into that permanence in the midst of time, that still stillness, that immortal immortality, that eternal ka-now(ing) of ka-now(ledge) that I am center centered centrality of the storm of that karmic wheel, that we’ll(wheel) turn to find finding out sum day sum time a’s'(n)oon a’s PAHs Abel to Ca(i\/I)n do.

Drawing is seeing is realizing that ‘a-ha’ moment of now never passes eve’n as y’all that we might imagine it to be passes, that now moment is never long or short, gained nor lost eve’n(a) as y’all that appears//a’pairs asz memory/me or you is lost w/in it, to appear to disappear time after time, loss after a gain & a gain after loss.  Whatever record we might draw must also crumble tho we clutch it so that thousands may see the line, the contour, the dream before passing away of(wave) function(al) d’na as that simple twist of fate, a force only viewed, only as though(t) seen as unalterably determining in advance the way of(wave)function that sum thing(s/esse-el-esse) happening to appear to disappear in actuality, an actuality of eve’r(e) infinite potential.

Anyone can draw, with or w/out pencil & paper, just as anyone may see(eve’n if only behind the eyes).  The problem of denial of that skill comes w/acceding attention(aten t(at) I on\/am) to a notion, a vague conception, of identity associated w/name & y’ll d’na.  That this artifice is fragile at best requires nearly all the energy we have to maintain it & thus requires a near constant denial of that a be’ng still in the first place  that that I am is is.  No where is this more apparent than in the denial of drawing ability.  We never say, “that I (am) can’t write” as writing reinforces the spell(ing) of a named notional id.  In that I am encouraging any who do endeavor to draw, to have a conversation(even out loud !) w/that id as it is constantly overwhelmed w/the responsibility of assuming that false identity anyway & expresses a palpable sigh of relief in being asked to relinquish control, but if not asked & reassured, may likely feel pressed to continue that denial through any means possible as though(t) it has a life of its own that must be fought for at any cost.  Thus we may find frustration at na being able(Abel) as though(t) we cain’t(Cain’t(at)) adequately render whatever we may be observing.  That is a problem of drawing what we think rather than drawing what we see due to the interference of that id, that notional identity, continuing to reassert pseudo domination as it naturally will, having seemingly been in charge for some time.

Always set up your drawing pad in such a way that the least amount of ‘looking away’ from that which you are drawing to ‘looking back’ to the drawing pad is required.  You should be able(Abel) to look through the pad to that which you observe to draw.  The more you ‘look’ away, the more that id will interfere causing you to ‘slide’ back into thinking, “that I (am) cain’t(Cain tat)”.  Drawing has the advantage in that, unlike meditation, you will see the evidence of this ‘slide’ into narrative mind on your pad immediately.  Stop.  Stop that tendency by seeing through the pad & correct any discrepancy even though your inner voice, id now talking, may encourage you to continue by even denying that you are in fact no longer recording your observation but doing the best you can(Cain).  You can do better, much, much better.  Why deny yourself that only for the sake of a notion, a false notion, a vague conception reinforced by so many others in this same predicament?  Why we a’sz x ka’ng why.

Notional id(identification) being an artifice of appearances(a pair ing z x’et’ing/duplicating an y y na) may feel, especially on subconscious level, constantly threatened by exposure.  Thus we waste all too much of our lives re-enforcing that person-na & distracting ourselves, when not busy w/actual work of necessity, w/all manner of games & entertainment devised by others who are likely as equally in denial.  Drawing is a safe, inexpensive alternative that serves as entertainment & cultivation of awareness of true identity.  The essence of drawing is observer observing observation, a complete timeless state of man’as mind’or y//memory w/out tension, fear, or desperation.  That is our natural indivisible individuality, that ka’smic person that that, that I am is is.  We may extend that timeless freedom found in drawing w/pencil & paper & driving on the open rode by reminding ourself to return to singular visual aR(e)’y’all mode from analytical do-ality aL-mode as frequently as possible.  “That I am” may be a useful mantra. an inner thought phrase consciously & generally silently repeated throughout waking actuality whenever an y y na engaged engagement in necessary thought process.  The mantra serves to break the chains of narrative based thinking, that as though(t), binds us to dominance by name conditioned notional id / identity.  In that ‘drawing’ on being that, on desiring to realize that, we all (wheel) turn into natural artists, art/being is t’s, the star(t) & continuous continuity of our show, our scene, our see’ng of that seer that that that I am is is & cannot but be being that y’all along.