Y, infinite potential energy/en y erg(urge) N’t/WWW/ay forma’sszz z  z that sum t(h)ing  appearing/a pair’ing in memory/me or you/z x ka’ing y to stand(stare) for (d’)or re-present sum t(h)ing else/el se(sa me) asz alias is intentional disregard of a na y forma’sszz z  z being(in) divisible.  That Ma’s(s) indivisible from that seer sight seeing that that I am is is single sum t(h)ing now k’now’en y y an na y thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing out(x)~~~}}}}}assembly of y thoth(tsz) = ting, k’urving time(now)/t(h)ing’k(a)’ing k(a)’now’ing after time(now) around that appearance/a pair’ance of y asz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’king out(x) being x’eting/duplicating out(x) y being asz ex(out) u’all being merely(mirror’ly) being that that that I am is((((((((((that invisible indivisible awareness y you’re; you now asz though(tsz) appears a pairing as e’x’u’al(y’all))))))))))){{{{{~~~is asz too(two/twa/twy’is’t’ing x) being(s) talking talk & talked about y/you’re; you”sing”ing psi’ing sigh’lence of breath breathing per sonically symbols of alphabetagamma asz sound well/we’ll(wheel) per-sonically turning churning burning ways of eve(waves) re y fun ny (a)ction//function mere(mirror) being being that symbolic super sonic wave re y asz alphabetagamma the ta(t) delta la’y’dhi forma’sszz z  z an y y na now k’now’ing feeling (bio)fielding being being y’all alone(indivisible).


“Less an artistic movement than a state of mind, Symbolism appeared toward the middle of the 19th century.  Its influence was greatest in those areas of Europe which combined two factors; advanced civilization & a predominately Catholic population.  We can circumscribe the Symbolist phenomenon by drawing a line linking Glasgow, Stockholm, Gdansk, Lodz, Trieste, Florence, & Barcelona: the so-called “Europe of steam”.  Jean Moreas gave Symbolism a name & an identity on 18 September 1886.  Some thirty years later it expired amid the throes of the First World War.                                                                                                 By then, Modernism had triumphed & Symbolism was in disgrace;…..                                Symbolism…swept away by the knew watchwords of modernity.  Some of these were movements that predated the WWI: Cubism, Fauvism, Expressionism & Futurism.  Others emerged in its wake, like Dada & Surrealism.”                                     .                                                                                          Symbolism by Michael Gibson

Symbolism sought to express ideas & emotions by symbolic objects, words, & sound ways of eve(waves) re y function of mere(mirror) being being subject now k’now’en y ~~~}}}}}reflecting reflection asz{{{{{~~~ y an na y objection(((intentional disregard))) in appearing/a pair’ing asz too(two) z y x is tsz x’eting/duplicating being asz being objective objectivity(subject asz objective).

Modernism refers to recent present to present present as mode manner / forma’sszz z  z being that way of eve(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) seer sight seeing in(being) R(e) & (a)L mode(sz).  Thus y we all(wheel) turn in split hemispheres of present R-mode(l) ‘old brain’/ancient one/hermetic hermit hermes & ‘modern’ ‘present future’ thoth(tsz) L-mode(l) brain/bra(hm)in/reality/ReaL indivisible y you u  u ni/na t(at) y u  u   u ni/na fied awareness consciousness.

That present future hemispheric(L-mode) is y na you now not to be ‘weighed down’/’dragged down’ k’now’ing a na y thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing x(out) a’head w/long term memory//nostalgia-longing for familiar circumstances that are now remote or irrecoverable, a na y ‘longing’ for sum thing asz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’king that sum t(h)ing that I am is is asz far away (d’)or long ago.  Now at present presence in the first place(being) there is that I magus I mage I magnetic way of eve re y infinite potential intentionally denied by present past forma’sszz z   z long term memory pseudo dominance.  Thus wave function in(being) L mode is frustrated by of such reverse focus in(being) that past thoth(tsz) forma’sszz z  z ‘dragged(kicking & screaming)’ along in(being) present future(modern) mode.  That I am asz ‘magnetism’ ‘flows’ in single direction>>>>>> present future.  Superimposing past long term memory<<<<<<< forma’sszz z  z y x is tsz in(being) present dooms focus to ‘stall out’ by repetition (of that past a na y known forma’sszz z  z now) instead of allowing reality free flow>>>>>> of open ended infinite potential>>>>>> x unknown,>>>>>> free flow open ended infinite potential,>>>>>>> FREE FREED FREEDOM FLOW FLOWING INFINITE POTENTIAL>>>>>>(forma’sszz z  z to be determined by clear intent now empowered by elevated e(iya)way of eve(wave) re y motion/ma’sszz otion/ocean)>>>>> un(nu)known z y x future to prevail.  Why y y the modern should find vestiges[<F<L vestigium footprint] of the past not merely(mirror’ly) unacceptable but incomprehensible like toying w/idea of a toy<<<<< from distant childhood.

“….Unlike Belgium, Holland was & remains a Protestant country.  This seems to have been the decisive factor that made Belgium rich in Symbolist art & Holland comparatively poor. . . . . . . . . .Should one conclude that the pragmatic outlook of a Protestant society had lost touch w/the symbolic register active in Catholic countries – as of course throughout Asia, Africa, & South America ?  A century of anthropological studies has clearly identified the symbolic structure of human societies & of our representations of the world.  This structure is far from arbitrary; it obeys a logic(logos) similar to logic(logos) of dreams.  ~~~}}}}}that indivisible invisible logos>>>)))))that over seer sight seeing(((((<<< of dream same same sa me SAME asz logos that that I am is is of waking & thus dream is that seer sight seeing indivisible indivisibility appearing/a pair’ing asz y x is tsz x’eting/duplicating out(x) asz length & amplitude in(being) ways of eve(waves) re y function merely(mirror’ly) being being same in(be”am’ing) awakening{{{{{~~~   And scientific positivism, ((( a way of thinking that intentionally disregards y na’thing asz ascertained (d’)or ascertainable beyond the facts of physical science or of sense*****((((prescription for major boredom))))******. Philos. A system of philosophy elaborated by August Comte, holding that man can have no knowledge~~~}}}}}y no knowledge = positive negation of a no/na y now k’no no  no’w’ing/intentional disregard of y that indivisible sum t(h)ing{{{{{~~~ of any(a na y y na)thing appearing/a pairing in(being) actual actuality mere(mirror) function of way of eve(wave) re y phenomenon & facts & their interrelations, rejecting y y’all speculation concerning ultimate origins or causes(ka’s all bodhi being to perceive, to think, to desire.))), the dominant ideology of the turn of the century, could not discern the mere(mirror) way of eve(wave) re y function reflecting logos of that register+++++}}}}}}}}free freed freedom open ended tale/tail of infinite potential{{{{{{{{+++++.  This is what incited a public weary of Positivism, to turn to ”charlatans” & ”windbags” ”      M. G.

In(being) other word(s) of the three bodhi states of ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi ka’s mic consciousness, deep sleep, dream, & waking forma’sszz z  z man’as mind’or y/memory, awakening is ‘least’ real asz desperation of dhi apparent/a pair’ent ‘separation’/division dichotomy attains pseudo domination reinforced by divided hemispheres of (h)our singular brain & misdirection of I >>>magnetic>>> I mage in y na an y re y function of L-mode(l) from present >>>> future to present <<<<<past.  That way of eve(wave) re y >>>>magnetism>>>> is>>>> continuous>>>>>> loopy>>>>>>>continuity>>>>>> in singular>>>>>> direction . . . . . . horse(future) before cart(present) following that tail/tale w/wide open mouth forma’sszz z  z laughing & crying out loud.

Now in(being) 2018+ the great upheaval >>>>>I<<<<<from rural ‘symbolic’ community to industrialized urban mythos comes full circle around ‘charlatans & ‘wind-bags'(((((na to mention a na y names!?!& play that trump card))))).  Perhaps the confusion of this upheaval of that ‘past’ colliding into ‘future’ serves to ‘thrust up’ value for realizing y Y y(y you’re; you/yod/iota) that I am is is appearing/a pair’ing in(being) memory/me or you at all y’all? (((((problem of Y that I am arises out(x) of that hue & cry of the or y of man’as mind’or y Y y being ‘human'(if only to t(h)ing’k about being being ‘human’as mind’or y being), thus over population y’all forma’sszz z z ‘final’ plan’et a(ma) re y ‘liberation’ asz cycle of ‘great upheaval’ of 150+ years industrialization of (h)our age of Pisces situation turns into Age of Aquarius, that age of man’as mind’or y infinite potential realized w/clear intent & awareness of elevated e-motion of z’eros LOVE SUPREME now the weight of waiting forma’sszz z  z y x’balls in empty space’ puzzle hypothesis of universe of particular parts & wholes is over realizing that being alone is y that I am reading this here & now.))))))

It seems in the beginning, middle, & end, the question y is the infinite potential x(out) x’et’ing/duplicating out(x) in y energy/en y erg(urge) N’t information//in(being)forma’sszz z  zion/hill/carrier super way of eve(wave) re y care(desire) carrying waving superimposing asz ex by(being y) a na y mere(mirror) way of eve(wave) re y function.

“The anthropologists of this century have shown how the symbolic foundation of culture is indispensable to the well-being of individuals & to the survival of society.  It(symbol) can signify value(s) ~~~}}}}}that that that I am is is{{{{{~~~ worth serving(realizing) & provide each(((& every single being being that y’all along))) member of society w/clear perception of his/her (indivisible) individual & sexual(y asz x(out) u’all) identity.  ((((((((that true identity of z y x’s tense first personic person present singing singular singularity that that I am is is))))))))   (Of) Such thing(s) (y z x is tsz) a re not w/in the purview of reason, but arise out of a preverbal symbolic (d’)order which reason cannot afford to ignore.”  (after)M.G.

Symbol appeals to purely visual awareness which y man’as mind ‘fills’ w/concept under spell(ing) of alphabeta.  That ‘cross’ symbol forma’sszz z z ‘Christian’ predates ‘Christianity’ by thousands of years.  That symbol is carried over in alphabeta as t & x.  The point to this ‘cross’ is at intersection of horizontal & vertical or diagonals.  Thus that ‘cross’ represents that center centered centrality mere(mirror) being being that that I am is is.  In that symbolic way of eve(wave) re y a na y seeing scene that x symbol reflects back(Mr. re) the seer asz appearing/a pair’ing asz too(two) being(s’in) z y seer sight seen now k’now’en y x(un nu/na know’en).

Thus any a na y visual forma’sszz z  z  y x symbol predates that coalescence of spell(ing) of alphabeta which then allows for layers of concept to be ‘loaded’ up on any a na y forma’sszz z  z out(x) symbol’i/\I”z’ing zing  zing  zing’ing y’all reflecting & deflecting that free state stare y tsz out(x) by(being y)now k’now’ing asz ka’smic ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi backg’round & around & around appearing/a pair’ing singular hermetic hermit hermes now k’no no no’w’ing/dna y’ll/denial asz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k(a)’ing z y x is tsz out(x) by(being y)((((((y’all along)))))) x’et’ing/duplicating duped deadly dangerous duplicitous duplicity forma’sszz z  z any a na y’ll/w(h)ile in(being) y’all.

“In the half-century between 1850 & 1900, sixty million people left Europe.  The village reality had structured their private & social identity; in the city, there was no equivalent experience to give meaning & value to their lives.  Catholic societies seem to have felt these changes more profoundly, perhaps because Symbolism formed a greater & more integral part of their outlook.  Perhaps too, the Reformation, whose demands were those of the pragmatic, new financial & merchant classes, had better prepared protestant minds for this event…….The issue of changes brought about by industrialization,. . . . . .the desperate poverty that resulted . . . . . . .more than 50,000 children passed thru homes established for waifs in London alone  . . . . . . .nothing might have changed if men & women in great numbers had not been torn away from their native environment & precipitated into radically different circumstances . . . . . . .An entire society takes leave of a familiar & beloved land & sets off into the unknown”

Out of such ‘upheaval’ collision of past to future, poverty to wealth, industry to ‘spiritual’ awakening comes that ‘value’/utility/us’e’ of ‘picking up’ on that immutable awareness that that I am is is asz super superior way of(wave) re y fun fun funny action function of mere(mirror) y being being now k’now’ing x.  Thatz x act’ly y Y y appearing/a pairing as too being(s) asz ex u’all.  That that asz ex u’all mean means former(for mirror) forma’sszz z  z procreative now we all(wheel) may turn into forMa’sszz z  z liberation release from misdirection of turning around present known my(memory) being(in) finite potential past<<<<<that I am>>>>> to present unknown infinite y potential future.  Being of such y you are infinite potential I magus I mage I magnetism>>>> y’all along that great out(x)pouring>>>>> now k’nows y ‘gushing’ out(x) by(being y) merely(mirror’ly) reflecting reflection apprehending that I am that still(immortal) state status standing free freed freedom free freed freedom FREE FREE FREE . . . . . . . . . .FREED . . . . . . . . . FREEDOM STARE Y tsz y staring out(x) now k’now’ing any a na y thing’k’ing.

“. . . . . .while science & positivism triumphantly announced a brave new world founded on reason & technology, some. . .were primarily aware of a loss of an indefinable quality. . . . . . .signified by what we might call its “emblematic order”.  . . . .the cross, in all its ambiguity, is central symbol(that center centered centrality intersection of apparent/a pair’ent dichotomy) representation of the world that acknowledges more than one plane of reality.  In the Christian world view, there is created world of nature & increate divine order which stands above it.   . . . . . . .(from) more secular perspective, the real might be contrasted w/what Apollinaire ‘coined’ sur-real”. . . . . .the positivist. . . .acknowledges only one level of reality; nature. . . . .the “other” world is merely illusion.  To which some were inclined to retort: “You tell us the other world is illusory.  Perhaps it is.  But it is there we chose to live.”

Perhaps that denial of the ‘quantum’ level of an y y na infinite potential finds society of financial, technological & merchant classes deprived of functional awareness connection w/source of y’all.  Then what are we all(wheel) turning into?

“”It is all too clear,” wrote the Symbolist poet Gustave Kahn, “that . . . people move only in search of resources &. . .source of dream is running dry.” While logic of science, industry, & commerce might be capable of satisfying the practical needs of society & individual will to power . . .Kahn’s metaphor suggests thirst that can only be satisfied at the source of dreams. . . . . . .The industrial world might be described as a compound of fire & steel. . . . Symbolism was imbued w/a powerful nostalgia for a world of meaning which had disintegrated in a few brief decades.

“Everything comes from a single categorical imperative(((energy/en y erge))),                     but what a long arm it has, & how remote its womb!                                                                            Love, love which dreams, asceticizes, & fornicates,                                                                                Why don’t we love one another for our own sakes in our own little corner?

Infinity, where did you spring from?  Why are our proud senses                                                        mad for something beyond the keyboards bestowed,                                                                           do they believe in mirrors more fortunate than the Word,                                                                  and kill themselves?  Infinity, show us your papers!”      Jules Laforgue

A symbol, by its very nature, refers to an absent[denied] reality.  In mathematics it signifies an unknown quantity[quantum potential]; in religion, poetry or art, it lends substance to an unknown[unrealized] quality[qualus that that I am is is] – a value that remains out of reach[ignored].  In a religious context this quality is unknowable because it belongs to a different order of reality – a supernatural order – & can therefore be signified only by a sacred object.  The sacred, in this view, is merely a semantic[of or pertaining to meaning] category . . . .not to be confused w/the divine . . . . one must not confuse the moon w/the finger pointing to it . . . .there are things to which we cannot directly refer.”  M.G.

That that y that I am is is that y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turning in(being) e(iya) turn’ity.

In(being) other word(s) upon ignoring that that I am is is y we all(wheel) must turn e(iya)’turn’ll’y y’all to symbols, numbers, letters, & words to signify x(unknown) that I am is w/out(x) realizing y.

That I am lost now k’no no no’wing/denying by(being y) falling under that spell(ing) of alphabeta means we all(wheel) turn to face asz two faces(w/in-y & w/out-x) desperation of apparent/a pair’ent separation asz mere(mirror) reflection out(x) of that y inward/word stare point of view/you/y pointing out(x) the moon/m(em) oo-egg’s tsz na.

“This(apparent/a pair’ent separation of y in(being) & out x is ting(assembly of thoth(tsz)) is the core of the conflict between the two world views: on the one hand, a given & immutable world, favorable to trade & industry but indifferent to the values that lend substance & savor to life; on the other a world dialectally related to a transcendent model(religious, visionary, or poetical) that spurs(energy/en y urge to liberation) the individual to action by proposing a creative transformation of the given.  Western civilization underwent a surgical operation(military industrialization) which severed these components of our relation to the world.  From that point on, it seemed, reality could no longer lend its weight to the dreamer, nor dreams bestow wings upon reality.  The two(me or you) were at war.”    . . . . . .M. G.

Thus of course ‘industry, technology, & trade’ developed of necessity forma’sszz open & direct conflict on ‘field’ of battle in time of war or further conflict in time of peace(war on drugs, poverty, crime, disease, ideology, etc.) analogous internally w/y asz ex u’all(y war between s’exes) based on apparent/a pair’ent hemispheric  division of singular brain/bra(hm)in/Re-aL’ity/R & L mode(l)s.  That brain/bra(hm)in/man’as mind’or y/memory/me or you is indivisible individual allows ‘instantaneous’ realization discernment ‘picking up on’ resolution revolution by mere(mirror) deflection of that reflection y now an y y na x tinction by quenching[OE cwincan disappear] a na y ma’sszz z  z ‘winking’ of eye.

In(being) other word(sz) for’ma’sszz z   z leep asz too(two) in one single bodhi being to perceive that indivisible ‘black’ness’ qualus(of such that I am is is) quantum in(being)finite potential y x is tense in first place first personic person singular present y now k’now’ing out(x) that hue & cry of y man’as mind’or y stare tsz out(x) w/a single ‘spark’ of brilliance in(being) any a na y & eve’re y point of view/you/y you’re you