Y/you awareness is y’all ways/waves waving infinite potential infinite potential INFINITE POTENTIAL forma’sszz z  z appearing/a pair’ing y w/x psi’t/sight’ing y/you asz thoth(tsz) out(x) & about now y/you k’no no no’w’ing/denying out(x) y/you kurving time after time around information/in(being)forma’sszz’zion. That ma’sszz z z ‘zion’ is that hill/he’ll actual’y care(desire) caring carrying a way of eve(ma)(wave-ma) re y backg’round fun fun fun ny action function asz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’king that I am appearing/a pair’ing asz y’all x(out)’eting/ duplicating asz eve re y t(h)ing’king forma’sszz z  z a w(h)ile, a daring deadly duplicitous duplicity of that mere(mirror) in(being)finite potential.
