In(being) y appearing//a pair’ing asz e’x’ u’all in(being) forma’sszz z  z that a’w(h)ile, that darn dad-gum daffy dangerous dashing daunting daring deranged deadly desperate deceitful cunning crafty duped doped dubious double-dealing debauched decadent decaying decimated deteriorating decrepit defective defecating defiant deficient deferential defensive defunct definitive deflecting deformed degenerate degrading dehumanizing deifying didactic dejecting deliberate delimited delirious delusional delectable delayed demonized demoralized demure demeaning denatured dense denied denigrating denunciating departing depositing depleting depending depicting deploring depraving derelict deranged deprived depressed depreciating depredating deserting derogative desecrating designing desolate destructive destitute despairing despoiled despotic despondent detrimental detestable devilish devastating devaluing deviant devouring differing duplicitous dad-burn duplicity, (but other than that, it’s a gas gas gas!?!) we all(wheel) take (h)our turns playing out(x) asz merely(mirror’ly) an y y na rolls/roles of complete e(iya)’turn’ity of total d”ark’ness/eN y circle’ment of circumferential circumstantial ways of eve(ma)(waves) re y’sz z  z of mere(mirror) fun’ny'(a)ction function in(being be”am’ing) any an y y na bodhi//bubble wrapped up out(x) asz an y y na me role w/intent of intentional disregard for being that still(immortal) motionless pi/peh vot(e) Mr. re point of view/you/y seer sight seeing now k’no no no’wing w/out(x) by that d’na y’ll(denial).

In other word(s) you/yod/y only merely(mirror’ly) appear/a pair asz any an y y na bodhi role rolling a’long or short w(h)ile (see above) by staring out(x) w/intent of intentionally ignoring that that I am is is in(being) y’all ways(waves) waving y’all y’ll still(immortal) that free freed freedom status state stare y x is tense resisting/ignoring first personic person present singing singular that that I am is is.

Shred that ignore-ance w/a’y discriminating point of view/you/y ‘pointed out(x)’ by desire forma’sszz z  z heart(hey’ art//great go(a)d being) intelligence w/elevated e(iya)motion(((ma’sszz z  z otion/ocean of infinite potential) gratitude appreciation thankfulness inspiration kindness selflessness compassion joy free freed freedom y’all LOVE SUPREME.