of X-psy’t’m’ent of seer sight seeing out(x) y Mr. re pe(h)tition in(being be”am’ing) free free fre(e)que’nt occurrence(((o o  o kurving around in(being be”am’ing) complete circles))) of eve”en’ting.  That’z ma’sz Eve en’tsz in(being be”am’ing her ways(waves) re y pe(h) ate’d’ly(repeatedly) in sound peh'(per)sonic waves ‘ate’edly’/’feeding’ /self-sustaining sum ‘ting-ping’ing’ various ways/waves of y/yod/you/hermes now asz k’now’ing(((k’urving y time around time after time))) thoth(tsz) forma’sz x’& im/in”pre’s'(((precious))) szions(active hills/he’lls/he(y)(great go(a)d of en y erg/energy) wills/de’sires/cares/ka’re’sz/ka’rrier waves waving).  A’sz that(ma’sz/eve’nt) appears/a pairs en y erge(energy) merely(mirror’ly)en y y ne/y na asz ex u’all y’ll we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) x’eting/(h)anding/duplicating e(iya)’turn all’y in(being be”am’ing) ways of eve(waves) re y function//fun'(e)n y (a)ction by x’psy’ting mere(mirror) o(ayin-ABBC key 15 function of mirthful(mirror’th’ful) majesty//ma’sszz z  z jest y)k(a’s)urve’ing now(time) k’now’ing b(l)ack(re)g’round & around & around in complete rolls/roles of d((hi) to perceive)”ark’ness ka’s y’all(causal y you’re; you) bodhi being to desire infinite potential ma’sszz z z ka’re’y’d’ing asz super imposed super-carrier ways of eve(waves) re y mere(mirror) motion asz too(two) any an y y n(a)’otion/na’tion in(being be”am’ing) merely(mirror’ly) an y y na bodhi.

Thus that free free fre(e)’qu'(((u/you/y always appearing//a pairing w/q(oph/kaph/ka’s all(causal)bodhi. . . see below))) en’cy is way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function asz z  z’leep back(re) into one un’a consciousness of that eve(na ma) re y bodhi.

Qoph, key 18 of ABBC, the Moon follows key 17, the Star”e’y asz mere(mirror) reflection of that.  That asz z  z’leep function is sheer(transparent) duplicity of an y y na now asz ‘black’ bodhi being to perceive to wish being lack(ing)(b”lack) asz en y y ne/na erg forma’sz egg(oo)’s tense by(being y) x’eting/duplicating in(being) awakening, a way of eve(na ma) re y k'(urving) ‘en’ing/na’ing/no no  no’wing//d’na y’ll’ing forma’sszz z  z a w(h)ile(dubious dastardly duplicating duplicity) appearing//a pair’ing in(being be”am’ing) ka’s mic da y light & disappearing//dis’a’pairing in(being) complete ka’s mic d”ark’ness.

That d’ark ‘b’lack’ bodhi asz an y y na now bodhi being to perceive  asz mean, means, & meaning an y bodhi serves corporeal intelligence ‘body of consciousness’/instrument of ka (e)n y science/psy’en’ce/sigh’en’ce/breath breathed breathing, the Q(oph/kaph) u/you an/en ta(t) u/you/y m(em)(quantum) ‘how much’ potential y ‘of such'(qualus/quality) that Q/cue asz too(two) manifest apparently/a pair’ently in(being be”am’ing) my/memory/mem man’as mind’or y/y me or you.  Z y out(x) of the ‘great deep’ blackness/being ‘lack’ness/need/energy/en y erg asz too(two) e’merge.