reveals the tail of that snake always followed inward(word) by u/y/you piercing that e(iya)’turn(ing)’al(l) o o  o(h) egg’sz’pe(h)c’tation(c/see i\/I aton) of energy/en y erg x pressed in sound healthy way of eve(wave) re y function of o o  o(h)peh’n’ing mouth asz too(two) release that tail/tale of an y y na mere(mirror)’s’na(an y y na) ke//ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi being being to perceive in(being be”am’ing) roles//rolls of complete d”ark’ness.

Mirage(mirror’age) of Aquarius//A qu/cue[<L quando prompt] a (Mr.)ri us quandary predicament[<LL praedicare proclaim]’ing specific state status free freed freedom pur’pose of that freestanding star’e y now k’now’ing out(x) x’eting/anding in(being be”am’ing) that sheer(transparent) duplicity yod/you/y h’ey vav h’ey(great go(a)d) of energy asz en y y ne urg’en’t(at) drive asz too(two) drive(ing) that ope(h)ning mouth asz too(two) proclaim (Mr.) re’member that  in(being be”am’ing) that awareness that I am is is.