In that ‘unfolding’, that opening up, (re)evolutionary explanation~~~{{{{{planing/’flattening’ out the ‘folds’ of neo cortex wrapping around & around asz that ma’gic carpet of neurons covering the ‘old’ primary limbic brain/bra(hm)in/re’ality in mere(mirror) an y y na ‘analytical’ ana’log(os) thoth(tsz)-great go(a)d art(being) science/psy’ence/sigh’ence/breath letter(s)y’all’y t(h)inking an y y na now k’urving now a ledged knowledge forma’sszz z  z leep into one/un’a consciousness}}}}}~~~ a expansion of awareness we all(wheel) might(y) turn to uncross(x \/ =) , to move or pass back(re) from the execution~~~(((primary meaning of an y y na “cross” asz noun name is ancient instrument of torture & execution on which condemned persons were hung until they died, typically over several days–to be nailed rather than tied to the cross was considered an act of compassion asz condemned died quicker, maybe in hours rather than days)))~~~the condemnation to inevitable death by merely(mirror’ly) falling(((off a’ledgedly))) under the spell(ing) of alphabeta, may be alleviated by wanting instead to realize discern apprehend pick up on(being be”am’ing) that still(immortal) being that freestanding status awareness of that star’e y reflected out(x-a cross) in being(be”am’ing) any an y y na bodhi being to perceive seer sight seeing seen in(being be”am’ing) that scene.

By taking up that thought asz too(two) cross(ing), asz though(t) too(two) pass(ing) from one single singularity to that ‘rube’ icon of ‘dupe’ duped duplicitous(there is only you) duplicity we all(wheel) turn to death, asz though(t) too(two) one passing away, y/you appearing(a pairing) out(x) to disappear(<L dis away) in(being be”am’ing) mere(mirror) waving good by sound healthy ways of eve(waves) re y fun fun funny action function of merely(mirror’ly) being that being dopey dupe//rube icon image of that I magus Thoth(tsz) imagining that, that I am is, is that seer seeing in any an y y na mere(mirror) seen.