in(being) that practice asz to(two) make/ma’sszz z  z ke use/you-y asz of that habit(hay hey HEY being/be”am’ing it) of intent of intentionally disregarding realizing discerning picking up on mere(mirror) being being it(that y/you (a)Re) y’all along still(immortal) forma’sszz z z perfect/complete perfection/completion in(being being) mere(mirror) ways of eve(waves) re y fun fun fun’ny(a)ction function eve’n(a) w/out(x) realizing y.

~~~@@@@>>>>0’z z  z”erosLOVE SUPREMEasz z  z y x is ts<<<<<<@@@@~~~

Practice asz en y habit(mental attitude) of intent(an y y na mere(mirror) function) means (((both purpose{{{per pose of that free-standing star’e y}}} in(being) mind & medium method or instrument by(being y y’all along) which that sum end is accomplished(re’attained asz though(t) separate)))) intentionally disregarding that that indivisibility that that I am is, is perfect[<OF<L perfectus, pp. of perficere to complete < per thoroughly + facere to make] & perfectly complete.

In(being) other word(s) that practice/habit of intentional disregard/ ignore-ance by(being y) y’all ways of eve(waves) re y mere(mirror) function y’all action is asz too(two) appear/a pair to thoroughly make/ma’sszz z  z ke facere/face that (Mr.) re.

(Mr.) re, key(ma’sz ke y)19 of ABBC means head(band/being and) face of man(‘as mind’or y).  ABBC binary code of Greco-Roman alphabeta generated from Phonetic Hieroglyphic Hieratic Hebraic source asz triple(3) analogy of form sound & meaning.  Thus essential letter form, (a)R(e), asz Pa(h)’roo ((((great house/beth/beta/being/that first place-a’re’a)’r’oo(e(r)gg/erg/eg(g)s system(ra’tion{{{ re-aton i\/I}}}y’all ar’ra’nge’m’en’t forma’sszz z  z principal principle re; particular whole in(being be”am’ing)ward/word/work’urge’nt”energy/en y erg(system etc.) unit/y’all ‘ni’t(ed) asz mere(mirror) an y y na t(h)ing(assembly of thoth(tsz) t(h)ingk’ing(k’urving around asz though(t)’wrapping’ that principal principle center centered centrality Mr. re point of view/you/y)))’sz head-band wherein form mirrors ‘shape’ of a(Aten) head-band- ‘r-‘w/tail-tale (being and) b’anding(merely(mirror’ly) asz though(t) duplicating that super-face(of Mr. re) y’all’y asz ways of eve(waves) forma’sszz appearing a pairing y Mr. re point of view/you/y merely(mirror’ly) pointed out(x) super-naturally super-imposed over(ov er\/re) an y y na t(h)ing(asz though(tsz) being being asz way of eve’re y function thus appears/a pairs asz too(two) ‘alternate’ between(be(ing) tween/twine/twin) mere(mirror) function & singular awareness, between waves & re y’sz, vibration & re y dhi ation/re y aton.

Thus y’all Hieroglyphic Hieratic Hebrew(((Hey being re; double you/vau/vow y asz too(two) re;mem(man’as mind’or y)b’er(being re)))) head-band letters  reflect that Go(a)d energy en y erg asz too(two) appear/a pair-manifest’ation-re;aton i/I

Still(immortal) that Mr. re point of view/you/yod/y remains mainly re asz y x is ts merely(mirror’ly) asz an y y na purpose per pose of that freestanding star’e y ts z y x is ts by(being y) mere(mirror) twist of destiny, dhi to perceive completely +/x(asz too/two/twa/twy’is ts)) stare.

If you want desire to recognize, to know that again(((asz a ‘gain'(ing); a re’member(ing)))), to perceive that that awareness that I am is, is now reading this asz identity identical w/ sum one single sum thing still(immortal) you may(ma you) want to practice seeing asz you do when safely driving.  In(being) that driving mode of en'(en y)forced seer sight seeing we all(wheel(sz)) turn back(re) asz too(two) remember wheels(we all’a’z) rapidly turning have infinite potential to crash causing injury & death.  Then again this potential lurks w/eve’ry step, eve’ry breath, eve’ry move we all(wheel) in turn(ing) take.  Thus practice of realizing that as’z en y habit(mental attitude) serves to recognize appreciate the miracle of that sheer(transparent) duplicity of that invisible indivisible appearing/a pairing asz you & me(m or y).

More mo”re ABBC key 19(1+9=re;a’ten).  Collecting Collective Intelligence is a’re mode(l) of consciousness.  Re-collecting that(a re; aten) is practice of concentration of y’all mode(l)s of consciousness of that that which has in(being) y’all ways(waves) gone before asz in(being)forma’ssz z’ation(re;I aton\/adon ay)(information).