is that unbroken ‘A”post”olic succession letter’ally right before (h)our(time/t((h)at) ime-i\/I me\/em ‘that I am’) eyes.

Thatz y ABBC AlphaBetaBinaryCode is triple(3) analogy w/primary function asz mere(mirror) symbolic form ‘asz nexus link l’inking that an y y na mere(mirror) seer sight seeing scene sign(sigh’ng) asz A B’ing C’ngGo(a)D(hi)’ing y’all inwardly in word’ly(((that ‘el’-go(a)d of yYyYyYyYyYyYyYyYyYyYy?!?!?!?!?))) to realize discern apprehend pick up on ‘A’ (((Aten//Atman//Adon-ay))) where ne”ess(e)(being be”am’ing) is is merely(mirror’ly) an y y na bodhi(being to perceive) in(being be”am’ing) that sound way of eve(wave) re y frequent flyer flying frequency alpha-beta-theta-delta-g(r)am”ma”sz way of eve(wave) re y x(out) appearance//a’pair’ance asz too(two) one(single singing singular) d(hi)’sz(delta la’dy)”appearance/a pair’ence of d(hi)sire forma’sszz z  z me or you/my/memory/mem man’as mind’or y//y’or mind is is.

In(being be”am’ing) other word(sz) that Greco-Roman alphabet is continuing continuity of Hieroglyphic-Hieratic-Hebraic-Phonetic source asz triple analogy primarily of ‘A’wareness/A where n’ess(e) is, is.  N esse(being) a’n’ y y ‘n’a/’n’ow positive ne’gation, that e’n’y ‘gating’/baring asz y(e) motion~~~~~ma’sz otion/ocean~~~~~~appears/a pairs asz y x is tsz out(x) of that still stillness(immortal immortality) per pose’less purpose of that free freed FREEDOM stare y(tsz) hermetic hermit hermes y/yod/you now k’nowing  staring out(x) asz y thoth(tsz) turning y’all asz {{{Mr. re}}}backg”round & around & around forma’sz e’turn(ing) y’all e turn’ity of complete ka’s all(causal) d(hi-el ta(t)/delta)”ark’ness~~~{{{{{that sacred ‘ark’ of the covenant/accord w/great go go Go(a)d of eNergy}}}}}~~~.