asz hey hey HEY y’all art(being) bra(hm)in/reality w/way of eve(wave) re y heart felt feeling being alone still free freed FREEDOM Q u/you es(se-being) tion(t(h)at) i\/I on\/am) (QUESTION) c’er c’ing c’n/c C c/center centered centrality(motionless time(t(at) i’me\/I am) yYyYyYyYyYyYyYyY(FREQUENCY)????????????that that(tat) that I am is                                                                                                                                                                is that that being being that (merely//mirror’ly an y y na) me(m or y)                                           .                                                         or                                                                                                                   is that that awareness(alpha) of being(beta) being that an y y na me(m or y)?

Are you being(beta) that or merely(mirror’ly) aware(awareness/alpha) of appearing being that?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A way vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

That ‘sarvasya chaham hriddhi sunnhivishtaha’ ‘well-established in heart of y’all’ that ‘feeds’/feel’dsz the brain w/feelings/bio-fieldings of elevated e’motion of joy/ja(h) y gratitude of free e e e e e e e e fre e e e e e e d fre e e e e e e e d”om            elevated asz e(iya) motion of one single direction asz too(two) chakras wheels turning into that one brain/brahmin/reality.

The ta(t)((( that ))) single sigh’lent singing singular singularity experienced directly & periodically asz(al(l)ph(i)a’s)’leep into one blissful delta la’y’dhi”asz ma’sz ka’s mic{{{mem man’as mind’or y//my//me or you-intelligence-consciousness}}} ka’s y’all(causal y) eve”re’y asz merely(mirror’ly duplicity) an y y na/no bodhi being to de’sire asz sum bodhi.

D(hi) + eL + Ta(u-U-u-U-u-U-you/yYyYyY????????)= ABBC key 3 do’er(door) way of eve(wave) w/key 4 H’ay//Empress-Emperor(wind-door/seer sight seeing) + key 11 eL = eLorDH’ay way of ‘great’ go(a)d + key 21 Tau(you/y) = energy(((eN-Do’orway of Eve)))w/erg(((great go(a)d))) of yYy e’merge way of eve(wave) re y function of mere(mirror duplicity) function in mirage(mirror’age) of seer sight seeing scene field of view/you/y man’i(mind)”fest/feast of y’all t(h)at that that I am is is y nowwwwwwwwww k’urv’ing(k’now’ing) around asz complete D(hi) ark of covenant accord w/eL(Great Go(a)d)’or D(hi Sire/Father).