asz nexus link linking(asz thoth(tsz) asz though(t)) that quantum(quantity of how much) w/ qualus(quality of such eve’r(e) indivisible) that  that I am is, is beyond an y y na merely(mirror’ly) now k’no no no’wing d’na y’ll(denial) crafty duplicity of h’o(u)r i’zon(eyes on) line((that) lie ne y en y) apparent/a pair’ent(division) of sky w/earth~~~that curvature state of mind of being being ka’s(cause)’k’urved’ asz continuously bent(b’ing en y t(at) y ne mere(mirror) function of function(great go(a)d of energy//en y erg (es(se)/being ‘k(a’s) y’all(causal y) w/(h)’ear’th(herein sound ways of eve(waves) re y function merely(mirror’ly) echoing ka’s mic mic’ro ro row’ing that carrier(ca re/dhi sire) wave backg”round & around & around in complete d”ark’ness of that sacred black(kryst) whole (w)holly ho”le(h(ey) o(ayin) el(instructor instructing sacred vow tauteth asz an y y na t(h)ingk’ing that(indivisible individual) that I am is is merely(mirror’ly duplicating duplicity) an y y na t(h)ing appearing a pairing asz though(tsz) some t(h)ing(so – universal being + me(m or y)  .