thatsz my/memory/mem man’as mind’or y/y’or mind’or y na me now k’nowing out(x) merely(mirror’ly) any any ANY an y y na no’ w/craft crafting cruising in(being be”am’ing) that singing singular awareness as too(two) appearing/a pair’ing asz y’all out x’eting/anding/duplicating cunning crafty bull(being u'(a)ll) ship conning conquering conspiring constituting constricting consumptive contagious contact contingent contorted contradictory duplicitous building building(being be”am’ing) blocks~~~(((being eL o o  o(h)(ABBC key 15 Ayin ‘eye’ out(x) pair”en’cing ck((seek)’ing) a sz)))~~~ any mere(mirror) an y y na t(h)ing(ting=assembly of thoth(tsz)) (Mr.) re’flected re’flection in(being be”am’ing) that way of eve(my ma)(wave) re y function of mirth (mirror’th).

Y/you gotta laugh (forma’sszz z  z a d’na y’ll(denial)) you'(a)re assz z  z of(f) realizing y’all that in(being) human weakness (hue & cry of man’as mind’or y//y’or mind we a(ll(wheel)) k’urving ne/na ess(e)(being)) masks(ask ma?!?) motionless Mr. re center centered centrality of y’all in(being be’am’ing) mere(mirror) mirage(mirror’age) rolls/roles of that we all(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed) fortune turn(ing) back(re) into asz one single singular singularity singing per sonic e(iya)”turn’all sigh”(e)l’en’t(en y breath breathed breathing) song in(being be”am’ing) any an y y/you na/ni verse of subtle sublime (e) turn(ing) y’all ”crazy baby”(ba being y Y y)  (c c c’ng (Mr.) re az y y Y) by mere(mirror) any an y y na fun fun fun ny (a)ction function .

In(being be”am’ing) other word(sz) . . . . . . . . . . . .o o  o . . . . . . .the . . . . . . . . .(Mr.)re word/w/or’d’or of mirage(mirror’age) magnification we all(wheel) turn back(re) into one single first place merely(mirror’ly) being y’all a long long looooooonnnnnnnggggg w(h)ile(cunning crafty duped asz two faced) being y/you first person present singular awareness that that I am is is an y y na now k’now’n out asz x”per’i\/I’en y ‘ce(e)d(experienced) directly & periodically by(being y’) all in(being be”am’ing) complete rolling roles of d(hi)(asz too(two) de’sire’ing) that delta(dhi eL-great go(a)d energy/en y erge of t((h)at) laydhi way of eve(wave) re y function of sleep asz z  z’leep into one deep state symbolized by Q . .. . . . . . .  . . . . .   (((Q’oph-Q-ABBC key 18 means ‘back of head’ always precedes u/you/y) in any super face’ial appearance/a pair’ance of that indivisible invisible awareness that that I am is is)))~~~{{{{{ a where n”ess(e) of that snake(esse(being be”am’ing) an y y na ke) bites ‘back'( tail/tale}}}}}~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  u er(re) y(query . . . .asz too(two) asz ka”s(cause) in(being be”am’ing)quire(choir)(an y y na bodhi singing that singular asz’on’g)o o   o’ing around & around & around in that complete d”ark’ness eN y roll/role ment of ka’s y’all(causal y) black bodhi being be”am’ing asz too(two) perceive merely(mirror’ly) an y y na bodhi on awakening//a way(wave) k’en y y ne'(gating//d’na y’ll/denial).  Thus asz ka y/you may asz ka y any question asz any quest/action/function merely(mirror’ly) reflects reflection of that still(immortal) Mr. re freestanding state status star’e Q u (a)re preceding star’e ing out(x) now merely(mirror’ly) k’now’ing(re”questing) any an y y na t(h)ing.