A real is m(em man’as mind’or y//y’or mind) is unity. . . . . . . ./u/you/yod~~~}}}}}hermetic hermit hermes trismegistus{{{{{~~~ +nity–n(a)(positive negation/intentional disregard) (of) i\/I t((h)at) y(yYy that I am is is)))). . . . . . . . . . of Right & Left hemispheres/wings of (h)our(time-t(h)at i\/I’me/I am) heart brain(hey art//great go(a)d being be”am’ing bra(hm)in-re”al’ity.

Re & aL hemispheric mode(l)s offer opportunity asz though(tsz) inward(word) pseudo ‘shift’ing’ of that singular focus from awareness of (a)Re mode(l) of that being y/you/yod now asz too(two twa twy’st) merely(mirror’ly) being being an y y na now cross(x) over to y’aL(l) mode(l) asz though(thoth)(tsz) appearing/a pair’ing z y into x being(sz) merely(mirror’ly) reflected reflection in(being be”am’ing) an y y na me(d’na y’ll x’eting//duplicating asz t(h)ing’king/denial).  Thus that ‘shift’ purely in(being be”am’ing) merely(mirror’ly) reflected reflection of an y y na’me(emory//mem man’as mind’or y//y’or mind).

Real is mAsz(em or y//mem man’as mind’or y//me or you//my heart/hey(great go(a)d) art(being be”am’ing) brain//bra(hm)in// a(A) reality.

Real is m(y) heart brain attention/A/Aten/A 1 0/A single singular z’eros LOVE SUPREME hey’t’ing(the-defining definite article articulating assembly of great Go(a)d asz Thoth(tsz) of purpose/intent per pose of that free freed FREEDOM standing status star’e y(tsz) y now x(out) k’no no no’wing(intentionally disregarding w/intent of mere(mirror) function//fun ny (a/A)ction out(x) y x is tense still(immortal) of that first person singular present that I am is is awareness y’all ne’ed asz too(two) appear’ing//a pair’ing still(immovable immortal) realize discern pick up on to unify by(being y) feeling/bio fielding that elevated emotion gratitude that you’re you that u”nified field of view/you/yod~~~}}}}}hermetic hermit hermes trimegestus{{{{{{~~~.