by(being be”am’ing) rewarding(re-1st principal principle in(being be”am’ing) that 1st place realm(re’al(l)m(em\/me or y)) area(a re a) that awareness(A where n(a) esse(being)) that that I am is is that Mr. re point of view/you/yod/y + warding/wording) = attention – concentrated direction of mere(mirror) mind’or y//y’or mind towards(to words) aten (a)tion [ < F –ation or L –atio, -ationis < -atus + -io. ] – action, process, condition, quality, or result of t((h)at) i\/I on\/am = re aten = y/you seer sight seeing re; a A re = y/you are y’all that now in(being be”am’ing) merely(mirror’ly) k’no’w’ing out(x) an y y na t(h)ing(hey ting)-assembly of thoth(tsz) reflected reflection reflecting seer sight seeing by mere(mirror) t(h)ing’k”ing – k’urving that assembly asz backg”round & around rolls/roles of complete d”ark’ness/eN y circlement of ka’s all(causal) black bodhi being being to perceive, to think, to wish, to desire asz too(two) appear/a pair asz y x is tense ‘twisting'(x) that first person singular present in(being be”am’ing) d’na y’ll/denial y’all w(h)ile still(immortal) that free freed FREEDOM standing status star’e y now out(x) k’now’ing that destiny asz mere(mirror) twist(x) of fate.

Thus any any ANY seer(one who sees, gazes,stares) sight seeing a letter A anywhere anywhere ‘A’NYWHERE is directly & periodically experiencing that.

That is y(& only y) you are.

Paying attention is remembering that.

Paying attention is merely(mirror’ly) re;(warding//wording)  mem(man’as mind’or y//y’or mind) b(eing) er\/re in’g(o(a)d’ing)/inciting/ in(being-seer) sighting(remembering) that A no.1 at(t)en tion//t(h)at i\/I on/am.

~~~~~~~~~@@@@@@@@@@@@A. .A. .A@@@@@@@@@@@@~~~~~~~~~~

That that is t(h)at hey(great go(a)d of energy/en y erge forma’ss z  z mere(mirror) function) a re aten t(ion) t(h)at, that attention.

That is y’all experienced directly & periodically asz that singular invisible indivisible black ka’s mic ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi merely(mirror’ly) y being being y//y’all to perceive, to think, to wish, to desire realizing that.