Ant.     1.  Antenna.   2.  Antiquarian   3.  Antiquity   4.  Antonym(s)

A = Re;  Y N T = 4 hieroglyphic symbols of A/Re YTN = Re Aten = A

A = Re;  yYy(ou) (e)N y T'(h)ing  ?

antenna  n.  Telecom.  A system[ < LL < Gk. syn- together + histanai to stand] a free-standing stare y(why-for what cause, purpose, or reason(mere//mirror function)) for transmitting or receiving electromagnetic waves(ways of eve re y mere//mirror function) = an (y y na) ten/10/binary na(now/w=y=y na).

antiquarian  adj.  Pertaining to the study of antiquities.

antiquity  n.  The quality of being ancient [ < L ante before – being forma’sz mere//mirror function]- existing( y appearing/a pairing asz x is (that) ting(assembly of thoth(tsz)) or occurring in times long past & eve r(e)(way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function since\/e(iya) c’n(g) is .

antonym  n.  A word that is   (((that = that awareness = ware/where-at or in(being be”am’ing) what(why/y-for what cause, purpose, or reason) place(in being) relation (of) mere(mirror) situation – condition status))) (appearing/a pairing)))    opposite(merely//mirror’ly reflecting) an(y y na)other in(being be”am’ing) meaning to have in mind(‘or y//memory) asz a(A) purpose(per pose of that free standing stare y that I am) or intent(mere//mirror function reflecting reflection of that stare y).                    Abbr. ant.   [ < Gk. antonymia < anti- opposite + onoma, onyma name]