is a(A) n.  N = ABBC Hieroglyphic Hieratic Hebraic Phonetic Greco-Roman Binary Letter Code key 13 Nun, pronounced ‘noon’ & asz a noun(name) means ‘fish'(((e)f’ish = w/key 5-vau/vow repeated 5 times(f, u, v, w, y) in ‘modern’ Greco-Roman alphabeta.  That ‘vow’ is link asz ‘and’ –z y asz x’eting/anding/duplicating in any & y’all mere(mirror) function/action–z y x is tense appearing asz too(two/twy’ist/x) disappear!!!)))  & asz verb, ‘to grow’.  Key 13 retains original forma’sz wavy line – www symbolizing wwwwwwway of eve(wave) re y ‘function’ of motion//ma’sz(mass) eN”otion(ocean) of that electromagnetic way of(wave) mere(mirror) an y y na t(h)ing appears//a pairs asz though(tsz) actually(functionally) out(x) side(ing) that Mr. re point of view/you/y.  Get it?

Thus An A’ware’n’ess(e) is ware(where) A(indivisible indivisibility) appears//a’pairs (e)n(en y urge//energy) ess(e)//being being mere(mirror) function of that way of eve(ma)(wave) re y motion asz mirage(mirror’age) of A(motionless) B’ng ‘asz though(tsz)’ C’ng ‘passing’ a’way(wave) D’na’ng//denying(Dhi=asz too(two-x is y)’desire’ from above/ove ab(a b’ng) (that) ‘sire’/father – great Go(a)d(God the Father y’A’almighty) Thoth(tsz)//of art(being) science//psy’e’n’ce//sigh’en’ce in motion breath breathed breathing letter’all’y(y’all)(in word).

“Now you k’now you’r(e) ABC’s won’t you come & play w/me(m or y)?”

In(being be”am’ing) other word(sz) letter’all y y’all key 13 is called ‘death’ in that passing away of eve”re y forma’sz water(ocean) drawn up by the sun(son) of heaven appearing asz separate desperate drops in(being) forma’sz a w(h)ile only to ‘fall’ back in reverse(rivers) asz y na’otion(notion) motion flowing back re; into any’one(una/you na/y na) ma’sz(mass)”otion being merely(mirror’ly) water(w/ater>ator>tora>ABC>A B’ng C’erC’ngC’ngGo(a)d’ing) y’all along forma’sz a w(h)ile(cunning trick antic of antiquity–that long, long, loooooooonnnnggg w(h)ile).