A – ABBC(alphabeta binary code) – key 0 – numeral value 1 = binary(a(A) pair”ance(appearance))((bi/by/being y na r(e) y = being merely(mirror’ly) being(appearing)(in, of, asz, for, etc.) any//an y y na(intentional disregard of that indivisibility by any mere(mirror) way of(wave) function(intent/y).  Thus A/ a’ten(atman) 10 – one//una/you na/y na zero/z’ero = y na z”ero a’s LOVE SUPREME bliss asz mere(mirror) function an y y na(now) k'(a’s)(cause) now’ing hey ting(t(h)ing(ting=assembly/asz em(em man’as mind’or y) b(ing be”am’ing) (e)l-go(a)d of art(being) science in motion(breath breathed breathing) letter’all y y’all) y (of) my/m(em) or y plan scheme plot et//and(ing)//mirroring (that) (h)ear’th(at) in(being be”am’ing) forma’sszz z  z sound meaning ‘for those w/ears to hear’.

In other word(sz) a(A) super peh’sonic super naturally y’all super duper imposition of that ‘my'(mind’or y//memory//me or you) over that per pose of freestanding still(immortal immutable) being(indivisible in the first place asz too appearing at last) now k”nowing out(x) super(above/ove ab-‘A’ Being//A pairing(apparently) by de”sire”-father of the great (eL ABBC key 11) Go(a)d/Energy/En’y y nE ‘erg’-function of function y’all) ways of eve(ma)(waves) re y mere(mirror) function energy appearing//a pairing asz too(two) matter (& energy) for ma’sszz z  z a(A) long, long, loooooooonnnnnnngggg a(A) w(h)ile, a cunning crafty secret scheme of questionable(yYy???) purpose, a conspiracy(w/spiral(ing)(twisting)z y asz x(twist) of d’na y’ll(denial) y’all.

Thus the majesty of creation, Ma’sz ‘jest’ (of) y ma’y be realized discerned apprehended picked up on asz fun fun FUN ny(y na)ction function of MIRTH(mirror’th) in this or any mirage(mirror”age).

Y y You gotta laugh you’r(e) asz of f”in’d(o)ing merely(mirror’ly) any an y y na t(h)ing”k(a’s)ing appearance//a pair’ance in(being be”am’ing) memory//me or you.

Y y You a’sz Alphabeta awareness(a(ware n(an y y na) ess(e)) being) stare(t) out(x) key 0 numero 1(uno//you no(na)) binary ‘falling’ a’s foolish fooled fool duped duplicitous(there(t(h)at here) is only y/you’re) dupe stepping freely freed freedom off a’ledge of y now-k’now k’urving asz spiral(x)is t’ing asz y now x is tense first person(ic) present individual indivisible.

In other word(sz) under that in word spell(ing) of alphabeta.

Thus we all(wheel) may turn to find apprehend discern realize pick up on that that I am is is being merely(mirror’ly) being asz awareness//A w(h)are (e)n ess(e)/being//A w(y-key 5 repeated 5 times(f, u, v, w, y)) /you are (e)n(N key 13 = wwwwway of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function of function-key 11-eL-great go(a)d of art(being) science of motion letter”all y y’all in word) ess(e) (A)(B’ng)(C’nG’o'(d)ing) forma’sz a(A) long or short w(h)ile asz that cunning plan et(and’ing/duplicating inward/word) peh(key 16 ‘the’ mouth asz organ of speech’=opening mouth asz too release tale) sonically[ < L sonus sound] in(being be”am’ing) that sound healthy(he(y) al(l) th(at) y) well//y wheel way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function turning y’all around & around & around a(A) my plan et (h)ear’th.