asz y’all notion (eN'{{{un(a) way of eve(wave) ocean – o/ayin(ABBC key 15 ‘eye’ function of mirth(mirror’th) merely(mirror’ly)) id’entity asz ‘ce-an(y) seer sight seeing that joy heart field(feeling felt feel”’d) of view/you/y = that unified field completely complete completion(cCc) d”ark’ness(felt experienced directly & periodically by(being y) y’all asz z  z”leep back(re) into one un(a)consciousness bliss ananda maya kosha sheath of infinite potential ‘b”lack’n’ess(e)'(asz too+ being(sz) being w/out) beyond(be’ing y’on”d'(man)) asz (((Mr.))) re-absorbing-turning speed of light back(re) w/in one singular kA’s mic ka’s y’all(causal y(na/now)) A’sz merely(mirror’ly) an y y na bodhi being being to perceive reflected reflecting reflection of that invisible indivisible awareness asz though(tsz)}}}}}thoth(tsz) great go(a)d of art(being y w/out(x)//blackness sacred k’rist(that)Iam is is) p(eh)(((Mr.))) re ess(e)(asz too(two) be(ing)(s){{{{{ appearing/a pairing y’all in(being be”am’ing)spir(al)ed x rolls/roles as’z d’na y’ll(denial)(of that still(immortal) being w/in) any mere(mirror) an y y na bodhi (appearing/a pairing w/out(x)) being(in-that awareness) to perceive to see to star’e z’y out(x)asz that sea(seeing) of LOVE SUPREME – UNIFIED FIELD of view/you/yod(iota) asz y x is tense fielding(feel’d’ing) that alone(indivisible) first personic )))))))super sonic((((((( psy/sigh'(e)l’en’t sound well we’ll(wheel) way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function being being singing singular y’all w(h)ile appearing//a pairing asz that cunning duplicating duplicitous(there is only you/yod/y)deadly daring duplicity hue & cry man’as mind’or y//you or me asz sum t(h)ing/hey ting that one(una – u na – you na – you/yod denied asz that ka’s mic(memory intelligence consciousness) ka’s y’all(causal y) ‘black’/b’ng lack(ing)/being w/out) appearing//a pairing asz though(tsz) an(y)other.

In(being be”am’ing) other word(sz) being w/out, ignore-ance of that being w/in.

Y now asz merely(mirror’ly) an y y na function w/intent is intentional disregard(ignore-ance) of still(immortal) being w/in any any ANY rolls/roles of complete d”ark’ness turning churning burning ways of eve(waves) re y t(h)ing(h’ay’ting) mere(mirror) function in(being be”am’ing) drowning submerged in that sea of love.

Thus we are that weir, obstruction & opening a’sz that sum hey”ting/thing(assembly of thought empowered by breath breathed breathing) y/you appearing//a pairing asz y now(na) x(is tense)(w/out)(being lacking/b’lack(ness) infinite(in/being finite) potential (potis esse – able to be) w/in(being be”am’ing) ways of eve/el(waves) we all(wheel) turning churning burning in that sea of love(ove ‘eL- great go(a)d mere(mirror) function of function //fun’ny(a)ction in memory/mem man’as mind’or y//you or me & if that y’all ain’t a gas what(why/y. . .y. . . .? ! ?) is is. . . . … .