Where adv.  1. At or in what place  :  Where is my book?

Where ator/rota/taro is in(being) what(why) my book is. (is)(awareness – letter’y’all in word y being appearing//a pairing w/out asz (e)x u’all)

Where taro(t) is m(em or)y b(eing) oo(egg(s)) is stance(status/standing) of) k(a’s)(cause).

A., where(aware) being is in a first place?

B., where y(wary) out(x) of that first place.

In(being) A., where is that first place?

In(being) B., aware, is that the first place?

Awareness of being merely(mirror’ly) being found in the first place.

In the first place B A where being(in) w/here y in(being) being w/out as ex u’all y’all.

First – ‘f’ (vau/vav/vvv’a’n’d'(in’g)vvv”vow) – ABBC letter key 5 repeated 5 times (f,u,v,w,&y) in Greco-Roman ABC’s.   Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?  W/h”earing'(here”in(being)g'(o(a)d’in’g) y/you asz any any ANY sound is sound way of eve(wave) re y function (in(being) that) we’re(weir obstruction & opening) merely(mirror’ly) an y y na x’pe(h) ri ‘en'(d/aim) (of)c’ing(experiencing) that mere(mirror) echo of kA’s mic ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi being to perceive that(here’in(being)) becoming((((being ka m(em or y)”in(being be”am’ing)’g’sz us))))  back’g”round.  Thus in(being) hearing/here’in’g is direct e’x’perience of y/you a(Mr.)re of g(ee)’sz ‘us(y good go(a)d of gravity///gGg’s asz us/that indivisible individual sacred kryst i\/I am d”ark b”lack bodhi being to perceive to wish to think to desire(((((& thatsz just(ice) ‘first’ letter in ‘the’ word!?!?!?))))) + irsti\/I (a)r(e/Mr.re) (e)s(se/sa) t((h)at)  place/plaza/a’sz a(A) p(eh) el(P-pressure (of) (e)la-great go(a)d goal(d) of energy).