merely(mirror’ly) an y y nu//y na//y now realizing apprehending discerning picking up on the extent of intent being aten tion(t(h)at i\/I on/am), being of ten, a 10, a binary, a(A) b(eing) in a (Mr.) r(e) y/you a re, a 10, a one(B being key 1 of ABBC) z’ero(sz)(A key 0 ABBC) of that invisible indivisible LOVE SUPREME UNIFIED FIELD.

In(being be”am’ing) other word(sz) any any ANY (a n(u) y y (u)n(a)/one) life lived miracle(mirror a(A) c(e’r ce’ng ce’en) el-le great go(a)d energy) mirage(mirror’age} extent tion(x(out) t(at) ent(ity) of intent tion of aten tion.

By(being y) ‘shifting’ attention from 1(being) back(re) a’sz 0(Aten) of’ten we all(wheel) may turn y’all that matter(sz) back(re) around a’sz energy en y erg ent”ity forma’sz a nu one(u na//you now).

By ‘shifting'((((((((sheen – ABBC key 20 two/to z’ero(sz) that glistening brightness a’sz if/y fav(or’ing/an’d’ing/reflecting (a’sz) if ting(if appearing asz an y y na x is ting(assembly asz though(tsz)))))))) attention of’ten of one asz two z’ero(sz) appears/a pairs merely(mirror’ly) a nu an you an y y na y now(time – t(at) i’me – that I am) is is.

By shifting attention often from (objective)appearance to that (subjective)disappearance back into one consciousness experienced directly & periodically asz z  z’leep back(re) in(being) un(a)consciousness we all(wheel) may realize (that) turning around a nu y(any) life.

In realizing being aware of that awareness we all(wheel) turn that attention(aten/a ten/a binary tion/that I am) from being one(1) x(out) being w/intent of intentional disregard of that awareness(ignore-ance) back asz zero(0)/z”ero/z’arrow y aim(ed)(meaning) being completely complete completion(ccc) d”ark/0 infinite potential/potis esse/able to be merely(mirror’ly) an y y na bodhi of energy/en y erg ent’ity being y/you urged/goaded by being y w/out(x) w/realizing x’tent of intent.