is often by nary now.

is (that) is a of’ten bi by(being y) nary (na realizing) now(time/t(at) i’me/that i\/I me\/em).

A by(being y) merely(mirror’ly) being y na re; y = positive negativity of’ten’t((h)at) ex’tent of’ten(10-binary) a’sz in(being be”am’ing)ten’t((h)at)tion(t((h)at) i\/I on\am)(y)al(l)(intentional) disregard of(ten) A(ten’tion(that I am)(is is)).

A tenth is one by nary being  w/out a point.  Similarly y/you a (Mr.)re are of’ten by by nary realizing that (e)ve’r(e)y point of view(you/y).

I am that y that I am y na(t)(h)at).

That I am is is y(you) still(immortal) eve’n(a) asz binary(bi/by/being y na(not) r(e)(Mr. re point of view) y/you.  (Eve’n(a) intentionally disregarded/ignored/denied/d’na y’ll a’sz that point of view/you/y by nary realizing or paying/giving what(why/y/you) is(are/a(Mr.)re) aten’tion(A(ten)that I am).

And(A (e)nd(ing)) that ain’t y’all bad(b(ng) a d(hi)(a’sz too(two/twy/twist d’na) desire)(unless y’all want/desire it to be y na?)