Jah o Black.

Jah/Yod/You/Y Black being lack(ing)/being w/out, forma’sz z  z (A) w(h)ile, a deadly daring duplicitous(in that there is only you/y/jah) duplicity is is a gas, gas, gas. . . ga”asz go . . . go . . . go . . . go(a)(e)l . . . go(a)d . . . energy . . . en’y erg’ent”it’y na”otion(ocean//nun/www) in(being be”am’ing) sound(well/we’ll/wheel) ways of eve(na-ma)(waves) re y mere(me(m)’re y) function/sense/feeling/fielding in the heart of view/you/y seer sight seeing w/out asz though(tsz) beside(being sides of) that point of view/you/yod/y/jah.

Joe -Jah/Yod/You HeyVavHey IHVH tetragrammaten four letter aten sheer transparent duplicity of you/yod/y a(ten)(tion – t((h)at i\/I on\/am) a’sz mere(memory) reflection appearing/a pairing by(being y(infinite potential of’ten(a’ten)(sion) d((hi) a’sz too(two) perceive to wish to think to desire)en((y)t’it’y)c(c’er c’ng ce’en) y(tendency/energy) o . . . . .o . . . . . .o’h(ABBC key 15 Ayin function of mirth(mirror’th) y/you (gotta laugh you’r(e) asz of(f)’ten(binary – bi nary ma”re y me re y being mere’ly(mirror’ly) an y y na y’all along!?!?!?) e . . . .he’e . . he’e(ABBC key 4 E(y) / Heh/h’ey/h’ay sense function of sight(only key where sense & function combine(point of view/you/y asz seer sight scene field of view/you/y . . .in being  y being out(x) feeling acting . . .sensing functioning in(being be’am’ing) that awareness that I am is is be(ing)cause(y y y) that that that I am cannot but be that ccc constantly computing constant pi’vot center centered centrality seer sight seeing still stillness(immortal immortality) free freed freedom standing status star’e y (tsz – ABBC key 17 Tszaddi . . . function/fun”na’ction of meditation(me(mory) dhi(to perceive/realize/comprehend)tat’ion(that I am)

Remember that. . .remember that. . .REMEMBER THAT . . . vav vow ABBC key 5 repeated 5 times asz sense feeling fielding hearing here in ring ring ringing echoing forma’sz z  z sound healthy ways of eve(waves) re y mere(mirror) function of ka’s mic mic’ro way of eve(wave) back(re)g’round & around & around complete rolls/roles of d”ark’ness singular super sonic black bodhi being being to perceive to wish to think to desire merely(mirror’ly) in(being be”am’ing) any y na bodhi.

Black – reflecting y no(na) light.  Reflecting d’na y’ll(denial) light((e)l ig(na/ni’s[<L igneus < ignis fire] h(ey) t((h)at that h(ey)(breath breathed breathing)fire/energy of ignore-ance(intentional disregard) of that being w/in by now k’now’ing kurving/turning now into(o)(two) being(sz) w/out(x) (that) ‘black’ bodhi being being asz too(two) appearing/a pairing to perceive to wish to think merely(mirror’ly) in(being be”am’ing) that way of eve(wave) re y (h’ay)t(h)ing’k’urving no no no’ w’ing around & around & around complete d”ark’ness en y roll/role”m’ent’ity asz en/an y y na (e)sse to be that ccc in(being be”am’ing) ka’s all(causal) ka’s mic(memory-intelligence-consciousness) ove el(LOVE SUPREME) bliss of ka’s y’all(causal y) ka’s mic da y light of the only son/sun/sa”n(a).

Joe Jah sus(liberates) su/sa me(m or y) (is is) us asz that liberation that free freed freedom is is’us.

Black Kryst the sacred d”ark’ness experienced directly & periodically by(being y) y’all that completely complete completion(ccc) d”ark of the sacred covenant accord echo echoing in opening of mouth asz organ of speech speaka’s’ing(causing) ka’s’mic mere(mirror) mic”ro ro  ro’w’ing back(re)g”round & around & around asz complete d”ark’ness to be en y(ANY) role/roll of u(you/y) ni(na) verse.

Joe Black is Jo Mama.