X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X y X y X y X y X y X y X y X y X y X X X X X X X X X

X-factor = X mass

X in the ABBC letter code, from ancient Western Greek(only letter in Greco-Roman alphabeta w/out Hebraic Hieratic Hieroglyphic origin), a’s in math symbolizes the principal un(a)known/un(a)manifest quantity(from quantus meaning ‘how much’).

Mass, that coherent bodhi of matter, that ‘stuff’, that es(se)(to be) t((h)at) u(you) ff(fully feel’d/field od view/yoy/y – stuff of ma’ss(ma re y’sz) a’s quality/qualus/’of such’ a’sz that, that awareness that I am is is, Ma”a’sz y’all that matter(sz) is is Ma is is Na Nun/Na”re’y/ Ma”re y/ Eve Re y t(h)ing(a’sz’em(a)’b(ing)(e)l(energy) y//assembly asz though(tsz)//thoth(tsz) great go(a)d of art(being) science in action(sigh”en’ce /breath breathed breathing) letter’y’ll’y in(being be”am’ing) word).

‘How much’ & ‘of such’ cohere as one b(l)ack g”round  X(out/being w/out) a’sz mere’ly(mirror’ly) an y y na body appearance/a pair’ance of that indivisible individual that that I am is is, a’s actual actuality way of eve(ma) re y function functioning in(being be”am’ing)finite potential. In that I am is is able(a being el – great go(a)d of energy) to appear to disappear asz y’all that matter(sz).

X a’s Christ/Krst/that sacred Black g”round.

Ma’ss a’sz ceremony & ritual.

….”.and so this is Christmas? ” Cosmologically as well as in ceremony & ritual we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) experience the nadir/winter solstice where sun appears lowest on the horizon, seen from the Northern Hemisphere. Dark time, an opportunity to be in suspension of all action, belief, & thought as sun ‘dies’ in the Christ, the Krishna, that ‘bliss-soaked’ darkness that I am is is, now out(x)”periencing k”no no  no’w’ing(denying by a(A) k”urving(occurring) a’round & around & around a’gain & a’gain asz too(two) lose in appearing asz too(two+) disappear) wherein/whereof actual functional – wave function y’all reality as infinite potential to be, to occur, to collide, to appear to disappear, is one model(mode el – great Go(a)d) of that greatest gift, time(t((h)at”i’me/that I am is is) to contemplate our navel(Mr. re source).

The Christ dies/dyes, colors matter, to rise again over 3 days as the obliquity of the ecliptic shifts in rotation of the situation to Christ Darkness now son/sun (of great go go  go(a)d energy shining as Ja-sus(liberates)(that that awareness ja/yod/you/y is free freed freedom means of liberation) (Ka’asz mic(memory – intelligence – consciousness) dhi to perceive da y Light of that sun-dhi.

This cosmic play due to X-factor a’s fault, error, flaw, blemish in rotation. In that we all(wheel) turning are deceived by a 17 degree wobble to the bobble. That we all(wheel) turn asz too(two+) experience this deception, in fact cel(sell)ebrate it in ceremony & ritual may remind by analogy  that great deception of being w/out(x) a w(h)ile(cunning duplicity of y you’re; you asz x’u’all(y’all)) being w/in(being)(singular indivisible) actuality as appearing//a pairing asz too(two+) read this.

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X o X o X o X o X o X o X o X o X X X X X X X X X X X X

‘x’ appears a’s ‘fallen ‘+’, an x-y axis ‘on its side’. That fall, that failure, that deception wherein truth stands out(x) asz though(tsz) beside the Mr. re point of view/you/y y  y even in that fallen state, mimics that folly w(h)ile fully y’all.

In that grammatical case of syntactical relationships, subjective or nominal case is the ‘fountain-head’ from which all other objective cases descend. That that I am is is can not occur to the one occurrence that I am thinking about it.

So(sa) this is is Christmas.