THE (t((h)at h’e’y//the y ABBC key 4 lette’r E/Emperor) is is (Mr.) re asz (i\/I) on(being) (that) y is is y y  Y/you'(a Mr.) re living personally/per son(ic)ally in(being be”am’ing) that sound healthy(he”(y)’al(l)”thy) well(we’ll/we’all(wheel)) e”turn'(ing) all y by(being y) merely y’all ways(w/ays – w/eyes) of eve(waves) re y function of function of care c’ar(e)(seer sight seeing) r(e)y’ing carrier(ccc) way of eve(wave) re y every EVERY t(h)ing’k(a)’ing(a’s though(tsz) turning into(o)) that I am (is  is) asz any any ANY bodhi being (that) being(in) a’sz too(two) perceive(ing) ‘blackness'(to(o) be(ing”sz) lacking/being w/out.

Thus(the us) (t)He”y(E – Emperor) is is ‘Grand Architect of Universe’ a”sz ruling mental activity thinking that ‘that I am’ is is merely(mirror’ly) appearing//a pairing a’sz an y y na bodhi by ‘framing’ (constituent constituting) constitution(ccc) of you”r(e) person(ic)”al(l) w(h)or”l”d(ing/in(being be”am’ing)spir(al)ing d’na y’ll still(immortal) free freed freedom (Mr.)re point of view/you/yod/y standing status star’e’y’ing out(x) now ka kurving n’owwwwww waves(n/na/nun w/ay’sz(eyes) of eve/////ma”re y sz around eve eL(great go go going(transient) go’el”a’sz cCc seer sight seeing constant constantly computing pi vot/vow a’sz to(o) (Mr.)re”mem(or y) be(ing)r(e)”ing that that (tat tat) that I am is is.

Thus(the us) (t)He (is) y/you”sa(that)(use)(full – f’acing u/you’all) a’sz that awareness key 4 y/yod/you appear asz too(two) a pair in(being be”am’ing) y asz x(out) sighting(seer sight seeing) ways//w/ays(w/eyes) of eve(wave) re y mere(mem or(e) y/me or you) function y’all asz ex u’all(y’all)y in the first place.

In(being be”am’ing) that (Mr.) re asz on ly(el great go go go(a)d ‘y Y y’) ‘the’ Emperor Ancient of Days for so(sa) many man’as(minder/mind’or)”y you'(e)s”se’s(to be”(a)sz) ccc constant constituting CONSTITUTION ((THAT/tat h’ay tat) con(kA’s (e)n(y)(y na) (e)s(se/sa) t i tu(((tit t tu tit t)(t(h)at i\/I t((h)at u/you ting(ka – no no no’w’ing of h’ay”ting(eve el//ove el//love) u ni verse & man)(constituting) t’he y we’re(weir – obstruction & opening) engaged in work(w/or ka) of inductive reasoning a’sz t’he definite article opposed to indefinite article a a is is t(hat) he y opposed to t(hat) he (a)r(e) }}}}}he<>her{{{{{z y asz x u’all}}}}} a’sz (that) the”re/asz on(being)/t((h)at)’s- he’re & now(time/t’ime/t((h)at) i\/I me\/em/that I am).

Thus ‘the’ t(hat) he is is (key 4 Emperor following key 3 Empress = D E = do’or way(w/hay) – D e e E or d’h’ay or [ < Skr. dhi to perceive, to wish, to think, to de’sire(from above/ove ab(father/sire)[ < L. de from + sedaris star(e)].  From that star(e), that seer sight seeing now(time/t((h)at) i’me) k’urve”ing around complete roles/rolls of (that) D’hi ark”n’ess(e) pi(constant constantly computing) vav//a'(e)n’d”ing//duplicating by appearing to disappear, time after time after time that I am is is.