why . . .y. . . .y . . . .Y(means(medium; method; instrument – an y mere y na bodhi asz ka ing y instrument of consciousness) meaning//aiming of life//eL i\/I fe(el) }}}}}(that) I fee (of/ove eL(Love Supreme) eros arrow – fee-eL’ing) to ‘pay’ aten”tion(feeling that aten I am)is is asz though(tsz) felt feeling field of view/you/y) out(x) & about(a being w/out(b”lack(ing) asz go go go(a)d ove y y’ove a potential bodhi being being asz too(two) perceive to wish to think an y mere(me’m man’as mind’or y/memory) ting(assembly of thoughtsz)  = X”t’ent of in’tent asz A‘ten’t”ion(t((h)at i\/I on\/am)is is ent’i’ty x act(ing)’ly(eL function of function y//you) is is.

In(being be”am’ing) that’sz y Y y out = X is t((h)at) ‘ent(ity)(x is t’ent) (ti’al(l))(t((h)at i\/I a(m) (e)l) intent(purpose; aim; design; go go goal(l) of that great go(a)d) asz awakening(a A w/ak(h)en aten(Akhenaten(I am aten – a ten/bi’na’r(e) y(y na)”ing(having quality/’of such’ asz that ‘awareness’) aten”tion(t((h)at) i\/I on\/am – that I am is is entity x(out & ab’out) acting action”al/eL function of mere(me’m o’re y) fun(a)action y/you is is(are -a (Mr.)re).