What is is real.

What is real compared to what.

What is a’sz instrumental, asz serving asz a(A’ten)(of’ten) means, a medium, method, or instrument by which some(sum) end is accomplished, (in(being be”am’ing) that) case(of you/y) is why, for what cause, purpose, or reason is real, is y asz x is (that) tense(existence) of first place first person(ic) present that that I am is is a(A) sound subject that may be approached rationally & scientifically like any subject, the only difference is there is no difference.

What is w/(t)hat (that that that I am is is) a’sz(A’ten binary – bi/by/being y na(y/you a’sz na, asz not, asz though(tsz) not/denied, asz being w/out(x)(d’na y’ll//denial(of)) being w/in(y)) r(e)(Mr. re of y’all) y Y Y ???) instrumental case(ka asz(cause z(y x is tsz – ABBC key 17 ‘the’ Star’e – that that per pose(purpose) a’sz(A’s) still(immortal) free standing status y z x(out) ‘et’ing(E/key 4 ‘the’ definite article ‘e’ ting// ‘a’ in(being)definite article ‘n’ ‘d’ing // a’sz though(tsz) duplicating that star’e y x is tense of first person(ic) in(being be”am’ing) sound ways of eve(waves) re y asz w/ays(eyes) of eve(na ma) re y star’e x(out)(seer sight seeing.