‘ing by(being y) merely(mirror’ly) mirage(mirror”age(Aquarius age of man’s mind’or y//you or me) seer sight seeing(ccc) asz though(tsz) in(being be”am’ing) why/y/you appearing//a pairing (y/you asz though(tsz)) out(x) is ting(assembly a’sz though(tsz) – a’sz em(or y) b'(ing) (e)l(great go go go(a)d of art(being) science in action of breath breathed breathing letters’all y (being merely//mirror’ly being) y’all) in word.

In(being be”am’ing) any any ANY seer sight seeing ways of eve(waves) re y a’sz mere(mem re y) ‘sz function of’ten (a’sz) mere’ly(mirror’ly) fun(a)ction(ing) y’all asz eve’ll/eve will(wheel) turn on & on & on((e)l’y) fortune & mis(sed)fortune’ate(n) ways//w/ays//w/eyes of eve eL e’turn”ity of appearing to disappear at eve re y turn.

Thus that(ways – w/ays – w/eyes)(of’ten-of a’ten) eve eL(great go go go(a)d asz z y x psy’ting(seer sighting scene) by any(an y) mere(mirror) y na(now – time – t((h)at i’me – that I am is is)(y/you) asz ex’u’all  y appearing//a pairing asz too(two) be’at the meat(me(m or y)’at t(h)ing((h)ey)’ting one an'(y)other.

Thus how many ways can you ‘beat (that) meat’?

Thus HOW MANY WAYS CAN YOU BEAT THAT MEAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Thus(the us) (a’sz) how[ in(being be”am’ing) what(why/y/you) way(w/ay – w/eye) or manner(man’asz mind’er y//mem or y//me or you) many(man asz mind’or y//memory//me or you) ways(w/ays – w/eyes) can(c(cc) a’sz n(ow)) you/y/yod/iota/i\/I o(ayin) t((h)at)//I am that is is that I am) beat(be at // be(in) a(sz) t((h)at) meat(me(m or y) at(a’sz t((h)at))?

Thus y seer sight seeing memory w/eyes of eve el &(ing)?!? (That duped duplicitous(there is only y/you’re)(appearing/a pairing/anding/ending) in(being be”am’ing) (that)(a’sz) deadly cunning daring duplicity)