appearing/a pair’ing to ‘fall’ under spell(ing) of grammatical syntax from that extraordinary singular first person that I am is, is ascertain that a’s fool’ish falling purely as though(tsz) in that sound/healthy/well/we’ll/wheel way of eve(wave) re y turn(ing) out(x) z y’s dom(us)/building building/b’ng hear’ing/here’in’ g’round now k’no’. . . no . . .no’www’ng denial(y’ll d’na) of in being eve’r(e) y same eve’r(e) still(immortal) that freestanding stare y tsz y x’s tense eve’n(a) y’ll y’all speaking/vibrating in ver . err . .rrrrrr . .bbbbbb”’bal name of that mean(ordinary) & extraordinary first person awareness that I am is as though(tsz) t(h)ing’king speaking/vibrating/verbalizing/voicing now as k’now(time k’urve) as too(two) being(s) w/standing/resisting at tension of Ma’s re y dios playing out in rivers(re verse for(ma’ing) a w(h)ile) of that Mr re point of view/you/y in free standing stare y now k’no’w’wwwww’ng pole’arity of Ma’s s s s re y dias/dios h”ark’en’ing here ‘ing/hearing/reflecting as though(tsz) ways of eve(waves) re y na/a na y echo’ing/repeating infinitely in mere(mirror)a na y function of z y x’et’ing/and’ing/duplicating(out) here as t’here now k’now’ing(time’ing k’urve of complete d”ark’ness/eN-circlement/eN-rapture)’ing reflection in a’x ka’ing y other y’s for other you’se in y’all’s fun”ctionality of necessity.{A na y wave(way of eve) re y ‘co’llapses'[ < L collabi < com together + labi to fall] memory in ‘falling’ together in ka’s all(causal) bodhi of LOVE SUPREME ove (e)l ka’s all(causal) sa/se/su p(eh) (Mr.)re me(m or y)/sa me re y = a na y na me re y}{m’y na me re y is will’y/y’will – y’ll/y we’ll(wheel) turn(ing) out (x) into a na y verb/word/vow-el to be(ing) ‘spelled’ out(x) litterally/letter’ally under spell(ing) of alphabeta y’all y’ll y’all still freestanding star’e ”t’ing”k’ing(thought assembly curve’ing a round of complete rolls/roles of d”ark’ness of ka’s(cause)) z x’et’ing/and’ing/duplicating duplication of y as thoth(tsz)~~~{{{Hermetic Hermes/Hermit/I magus I mag(e)’ining I mag(e)’in’ation}}}~~~ in(being) a na y t(h)ing’k’ing. Y we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed)fortune eve’r(e) y spin on pi-vot(e)/vow of still freestanding Mr. re point of view/you/y stare y’ing’y’ang from above/ove dhi sire merely(mirror-ly) repeating infinite inspir(al)ation of ka’s mic mirage(mirror’age) myriad(mirrored) uni’verse(((that verse/wile of a ni/na u/you/y (t(h)ing’k’ing)))) in sound/healthy/well/we’ll/wheel y’all turning in rolls/roles of memory/me or you reflecting as though(tsz){{{Thoth(tsz)//Hermes//Hermit//Yod//You}}} inspir(al)ed by complete enrapture/d’ark’ness/eN-roll’ment of Ma’s s sz z z re y dios/dias playing out(x) in that simple mean(ordinary) twist(x) of fate d’or(go(a)ld”eN(d’ing) destiny/dhi star’e of y y’all, for crying or laughing out loud in that y of hue & cry of man’as mind. {{{remember there is y na/a na y scale}[<Ital. scala ladder <Gk. klimax ladder = device for ascending or descending = as too/twa/two/twy/twin(e)’ing that now k’now’www’ing g”round as Thoth(tsz)] Mr. re point of view/you/yod/y!!! Still a na y scale is Ka’s mic!?! {{{in other words a na y & all scale or proportion merges instantly(in ‘twinkling’ blink of eye) in realizing now that still single freestanding star’e(ing) singular singularity}}} You are ever still free star’e/freest’e’r Mr. re point of view/you/y in first place even when appearing to disappear at last}
In other sound word(s) hearing(being here now/k’no’w’ing) reinforces ‘sense’ of actually appearing/a pairing as too(two) ‘doing’ any thing’k in that do’or way of eve(wave) re y fun”ction of mere(mirror) knowing/k’no’w’www’ng any thoughtsz of expressed breath breathed breathing vibrating vocal chords as though(t)/thoth(tsz) speech spoken(es . s . .s . . .s’p p p p o’o’o’ k’en) in formation of wayward(word) sound ways(waves) y in any(a na y)thing’k’ing out loud/vibration.
!!!!!!!!!!!!POW…POW. . . . . POW. . . . .or. . . . . WOP. . . . .WOP…WOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just as(justice) z y of any(a na y) x’s tenszion at tension in awakening being asz’leep in complete d’ark’ness/encirclement/enclosure see’ms to cover or surround sum t(h)ing as though(tsz) for”ma’ing(eve re y) rolls/roles as sum thing’k’ing el’se which y we’ll(wheel) k’no’wwwww in primary urgency of any body/bodhi/being to perceive of deep asz’leep(turning as inspir(al)’a’tion of as such velocity as to be w/out apparent/a pair’ent motion to ‘induce’/’produce’ ent’ire of felt feel’ed/field en”y roll’ment en’y’closure) w/out as though(tsz) informing see’ng/realizing other y’s is complete mean(ordinary) & extraordinary singular potential ka’s/ca’u’se/ca’se/b’ox/cu’be’ing of y/you.
In deep asz’leep off a ledge’d’ly k’now’en asz bliss of LOVE SUPREME en y en’d’ing asz y x’eting/anding/duplicating for’M’a’ing a w(h)ile/y’ll/y will/ y we’ll(wheel) be turning in e(iya) turn’ity pi’vot’ing in(being/be”am’ing) x’s tense in still freestanding stare y tsz y z now a x ka’ing y knowing/k’no’ no no’wwwww’ng w/out sound ways of eve(waves) re y infor’Ma’sszzion forMa’ing any fun”ctional appearance/a pair’ance in a na y en”d’ing pole’ar’i’ty of Ma’s s sz z z re y dios/dias w/positive ne”gation of that single ‘pole’arity of Mr. re point of view/you/yod/y. W/out vibration in that situation as too/two twa twy twin’e’ing memory of awakening forMa’s sz z z szound ways of eve(waves) re y’z z z for hearing/here’ing in for’Ma’sszzion, y we’ll(wheel)of fortune & misfortune on & on & on in e(iya) turn’ity in complete d’ark’ness/en’circlement/enrapture of Ma’s s sz z z re’y di’os/dias playing out(x) in rivers(re verse) as thoth(tsz) flowing out(x) to the see”ing.
Thus any(a na y) circumstance(standing/remaining unchanged cir/sir(e) cum) is merely(mirror-ly) Mr. re point of view/you/y now as thoth(tsz) k’now’ing z y appearing/a pair’ing in x tenszion as Ma’s s sz z z re y dios/dias pole’arity d”h’ark’en’ing as though(tsz) now k’now’ing circles endlessly forMa’ing in memory chains(change) of that single point in a na y now k’now’ing z y point’ing out(x) straight away of eve re y t(h)ing’k’ing as too(two) going around inspir(al)’ing d’na/denial/k’no’no’no’www’ng of any(a na y)thing’k’ing in vibration of sound ways of eve(waves) re y function in(b’ng) merely(mirror-ly) awakening here”ing be(ing)cause of complete ka’s all(causal) d’ark’ness/eN-roll’ment of ka’s’all bodhi/being to perceive, to wish, to think, to desire.
Thus alphabeta is ‘pictured’/imagined/image ‘gin’ned in cubic 3-D as that sum thing now k’now’en as though(tsz) inward(word of letters) literally/letter”ally in formation now ‘faced’ w/being sided(taking sides) or surfaced/surfed w/apparent/a pair’ent duality/do-ality or polarity of opposites in any direction paid/played out(x) in a n(a) y z x tension in that apparent/a pair’ent/imaginary/image-‘gin’na’ted’ polarity. Thus all form/forMa’sszzion originates(gin’na’tes a’s (d’)’or'( conjunctive introducing an alternative, i.e.; mem or y/mind or y/me or you/Thoth(tsz) d’or Hermes, the real star’e of a na y star’e y)) in that sound way of eve(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) being ‘here'(ing) now k’now’www’ng echo(ing) ka’s all(causal) bodhi being to perceive. Z vibration y way of eve(wave) re y function x(out) merely(mirror-ly) in x psy’t’ing z y man’as mind p(eh)’r’son’ic’ally i\/I’mages any(a na y) sound wave(way of eve) re y inward(word) formation/forMa’s szion as any thing’k/thought(h’tsz) form(a). That of such (thoth”tsz) we’ll(wheel) alternate (now in between/be’ing tween/twin’e/twist’ing out(x)) or follow that an’y”other y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) by turns/as though(tsz) turning into any thing’k’ing in sound/well/we’ll/wheel ways of eve/for ma’ing (waves) re y function of mere(mirror) appearance/a pair’ance of memory/mem/man’as mind or y/me or you forMa’s s speech/es”peh ech(e)=sound of mouth as organ of a c(h)ord ‘vibration’ s’peaking/expressing breath breathed breathing echoing that vow-el in(being) here/hear’ing now. {‘here’ing k’no’w’www’ng/hear & (k)no’w}
In that direct periodic experience of deep asz’leep’ing in(being) LOVE SUPREME ka’s all bodhi y’ll/y we’ll(wheel) turn y now into k’now’ing y that I am is a’s thoth(tsz) in(b’ng) complete d’ark’ness/enrapture/eN-roll’ment complete encirclement of k’no’wwww’ng/projecting w/out(x) forMa as though(tsz) in(being) other y’s z x’turn”(ing)al(l) appearance/a pair’ance in memory. In that causal/ka’s el(urge’nt) body/bodhi/being to perceive z y we’ll(wheel) turn into x’stasy of complete enrapture/encirclement of any(a na y) outstanding(standing as though(tsz) out(x)) y’all y’ll still(immortal) inward(word) k’no’www’ng/projecting w/out information of other y’s till y we’ll(wheel)/will turn to awakening/ a way of eve(wave) re y/a na re y k’en(d)’ing/projecting in formation as though(t) other y’s x turn(ing)al(l). That complete encirclement is evidenced by the fact that all perception is central(center centered centrality) to any thing’k’ing as though(tsz) perceived. Y we’ll(wheel) turn direction of all see’ing from center centered centrality of Mr. re point of view/you/y, out(x) no matter where y we’ll(wheel) turn as too appear/a pair in Mr. re-lation to any thing’k else(el se/ urge’nt feeling/fielding of se/sa/(being) that alone(singular). That innate centrality ‘radiates’ in any(a na y) direction(dhi’erection/standing now k’now’ing thoth(tsz) of that being, y’all y’ll/y will/y’we’ll(wheel) turn away forMa’ing a wile, a duplicitous duplication of that still freestanding star’e y) as though(tsz) by mere(mirror) reflection of order/scale in ways of eve(waves)re y/a na y thing’k’ing inward(word/letters) information now ‘projected’ in ways of eve(waves) re y dios ar’k’ing ‘k’no’wwww’ng ignore-ance as infinite potential d’na y’ll(denial) still freestanding star’e in ka’s mic da y light of the only sun above(ove ab/father/sire/dhi sire). Thus in cosmic/ka’s mic sense we’ll(wheel) re-turn to ‘face’ the sun above w/Mr. re’a son of dhi sire. In any(a na y) direction/guidance we’ll(wheel) turn in favor from above(ove ab/father/sire/dhi sire) in a/A fool’ish ‘fall’ through w(h)orl’d’ing/spiraling/ a spir'(al)ing now(in k’as al(l) k’no’wwwww’ng) any(a na y) & eve’re y thing’k’ing of thoughts of being other y’s forMa’ing other you’se.
Any ‘look’ at any reflection of psy’t/sight/seeing in mere(mirror) looking portrays on the sur-face[<F sur above + face] a familiar image/i\/I mag(e)ic of y’all y’ll still(immortal) k’no’wwww’ng that from that standing(remaining changeless) of central centered centrality of y Mr. re is you & you alone, that mean(ordinary) & extraordinary singular being being that that awareness that I am is, was, & in all waves will be.
Thus any(a na y) ‘cue’ be’ing a’s(A’s) signal singularity offering as though(t) potential for infinite appearance/a pair’ence as too(two) being(s) in fun”ctionality of taking sides to ‘b’ox’ us inward(word) information in’for’Ma’ing anything’k’ing under spell(ing) of alphabeta.
Inspir(al)ed out(x) complexity, that twisting together in memory/me or you k’no’www’ng/projecting d’na y’ll/denial as we’ll(wheel) of dhi sire turn into cubic form forMa’ing of facing super face”i’al x plane”ation of any roll/role in any(a na y) direction by that mean(ordinary) wile, that duplicitous duplication of duplicity(city of dupes) by merely(mirror-ly) as thoth(tsz) turning around in an infinite reflection/deflection of ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) bodhi myriad mirage(mirrored mirror’age).
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