from above/ove ab//ove father//ove sire//of that dhi to perceive, to wish sire//dhi sire[< L de from, of + sidus, sideris star] y/eiya = stare way to the star(s).

Thus it seems the only way to know any a na y star is by merely(mirror’ly) y na//you now staring(gazing)/seer sight seeing at it.

To wish[< Skr. dhi to wish, to perceive, to think, to desire] anything in the first place(being mere(mirror) being, being asz though(tsz)) y’all must perceive it, must stare/gaze at it.  Source of any a na y mere(mirror) y na//you now stare(ing) is that seer sight seeing asz though(tsz) out(x).  That seer(one who sees) is in(being) side that Mr. re point of view/you/y that I am that being(in) side re is// sideris star y//star you// y star’ing now k’now’ing (asz though(tsz)) out(x)

Thus astronomy[ < OF astronomie <astronomia < Gk. astron star + nomos name as] that naming named arrangement of any & y’all stars must include that guy naming them, the astrologer, the logos loger of that ‘astron’.  Thus the whole wholistic science of stars & star gazing/staring only turned ‘predictive'(astrology) asz subject memory in(being) awareness realized asz that awareness that I am is is lost/ignored/objectified/calcified.  In(being) that indivisible reality astronomer/astrologer(loger of star logos) inseparable from that observed.  Any a na y star observed reflected by being an’y mere(mirror) y’na//you now out(x) asz though(tsz) reflection of that stare of the observer observing star’e-the observation.

That any an y y na//you now observer observing observation//starer staring star//seer sight seeing is any mere(mirror) y na//you now in being, being asz though(tsz) out(x) by(being y) point of view/you’re membering  asz ka’s mic-memory-intelligence-consciousness ka’s y’all(causal y infinite potential) asz thoth(tsz)~~~great go(a)d of energy/en y erg N’t(a na y t(h)at) forma’sszz z  z art(being) sigh’ence(breath) x pressed letter’all y y’all~~~ any a na y inward(in(being) word) information/in(being)forma’sszz z  z zion, that function’y’ y’all ‘hill’ or super caring(desiring/ dhi siring(begetting) ‘carrier’ wave way of eve re y waving around that y will//y we’ll(wheel) from above you’r(e) head.  Thus any a na y ‘nature’//an y y na ‘ture’/t(at) u (a)re/that you are/that I am is is appearing/a pair’ing y asz too(two) z'(e)x a’s(out)(x-rating) x’et’ing/duplicating asz baby//ba being y thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’king now k’now’ing/kurving now(time) back’g”round & around & around y’all asz mere(mirror) way(ma re y g”round) of eve(ma)(wave) re y a’sz z  z function y’all asz fun’ny”actuality.  That’sz y star starer staring x(out)sight’ing now k’now’ing by(being y) k(a)(asz)’no no no’wing/d’na y’ll/denial of that singular indivisibility of any & y’all hermetic hermit hermes yod/you/y stare as y y y’all thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’king that asz an y mere mirage(mirror mirror’age) y na//you now (a’sz) that awareness(aten/a ten/a binary w/are'(e)n’ess(e)) that I am is is separate asz an y y na x is tsz(free stare) x’et’ing/duplicating form’asszz z z any a w(h)ile, cunning deadly daring duplicating duplicity.

Thus that true patron of (h)our inward(word) creation is that seer sight seeing starer staring star I magus I mage I magining I magination guard guard’n guardian by(being y) being any a na y being x(out) & about time y’all realize that in(being) that I am reading & writing thi’s’word asz too(two) sheer memory/me or you from above.