Or why we die in name alone.

Or why we all(wheel of fortune & mis(sed)fortune) in turn(ing) whirl(d), pass away(a way of eve(wave) re y na(n’otion) motion) in the name ove eL(go(a)d – love) that real t(h)ing/hey ting(the – definite article) asz the the’e that is is. In that the'(Mr.)re(there) is w/in any mere(mirror) word/name, a meaning, a purpose hidden in plain ordinary sight as letter code.  Hidden a’sz that awareness in(being) plain sight of any any ANY mere(mirror) y na(me Mr.re)//you now (asz name) seeing out(x) k’no no now’ing asz though(tsz) of d’na y’ll k”urving around & around & around complete roles/rolls in the name(na(not)”me) of that seer sight seeing letter”all’y y’all reading this now in word.  Become more aware of it, in(being be”am’ing) that awareness that I am is is moment after moment yet ignored(asz though(tsz) of that in(being) my(mem or y) name/y na(not)me) in word, y/you now intentionally disregarded in the names of lifetime after lifetime.

Thatsz why we all(wheel),   in turning away from realizing discerning picking up on that still(motionless immortal) invisible indivisible individual,   appear asz though(tsz) in my(mem or y) namely(y’el na me)(m or y) a(binary)’sz too(two) living & dying in (word)name alone.

Thus AB(B)C is a letter”all y y’all code, a(A’ten)binary systematic body of law me(m or y) asz  though(tsz) in any mere(mirror) word y’na‘me reflecting (asz though(tsz) that that awareness being w/in(being) any mere(mirror) y na//you now ignoring by(being y) in name alone asz too(two) being merely(mirror’ly) being appearing/a pairing w/out(x) in (word)name alone.

Thus why(y) is na/no’w for what(w/(t)hat) purpose in word name, y na me in the first place.

That purpose is as though(tsz) in name too reflect & deflect by(being y) me’an(ordinary//binary) y mere(mirror) y na me//you now me(m or y) appearing asz by(being y) in name w/out(x) asz a w(h)ile y’et still that awareness of being w/in that that I am is is y/you w/in or w/out(x) y(a’s’z) na’me .

That mere(mirror) purpose is as though(tsz) too(two) reflect reflecting reflection that singular invisible indivisible individual awareness that that I am is is.

Why? . . . . . . . .Why? . . . . . . . . . .WHY? . . . . . . . . . . .for what purpose?

A B’in mere(mirror)B’in CoDe = A’ten/ a binary B’in B’in Ce’er”re;(us) Go(a) D(h)E’nergy.

A binary by being y na mere(mirror) any being be”am’ing re y a’sz mere(mirror) y c’er go go go(a)d a’sz(binary) energy//en y erg for in word being w/in any mere(mirror) y na/you now asz though(tsz) of being w/out, b’in lack”in’g, be’ing mere(mirror) black complete d(h)e”ark’ness energy in(being)finite potential/[>L potis able + esse to be] any mere(mirror) y na//you now in(being) word asz though(tsz) that t(h)ing, that assembly of thought, that asz em(or y/you) being(in) mode el – go go go(a)d y appearing merely(mirror’ly) a pairing asz x u’all.

Why/y/you asz we all(wheel) in turn(ing) die, pass away, a w/a y eL(mode eL) (great go go go(a)d of energy)//y’ll//why el//w(h)ile – cunning mere(mirror) duplicate duplicitous dang deadly duped duplicity of y/you appearing to disappear asz x u’all i ty, y’all t(h)at i\/I (am-a m(em or y) is is a’s b’in ce er(re; us)”ec’ce g’d”e(h), as being seer behold(ing) the great go go go(a)d energy.

Asz that w(h)ile we all(wheel) in turning live on the ‘fringe’, the or’name”n’t’al border of (h)our personality forma’sz though(tsz) ‘enclosing in complete d”ark’ness’, eN (y) circle’ment of that black whole center centered centrality of being w/in ka’s mic ka’s all y(causal y) y’all bodhi being to perceive to wish to think to desire.

Thus the or y na’me(e)’n’t(at)al border is asz though(tsz) d(hi)”fence of imaginary ‘field’ of view/you/y super-imposed forma’sz a w(h)ile in(being)finite potential of that indivisible singular ‘black’  ka’s’all’y(causal y) bodhi freestanding state (Mr.)re-experienced directly & periodically asz z  z’leep back into one un(a)consciousness.

For(ma’sz) what purpose?

For(ma’sz – eve re y t(h)ing) w/(t)hat purpose.

What is why asz instrumental case, by what means medium, method, instrument by which some end(in beginning) is accomplished pur/per pose for’ma’sz still(motionless immortal) free freed freedom standing status state stare, seer sight seeing any mere y na/you now out(x) a’sz ex”per’i’en’c’ing(((per sonically a’sz sound well we’ll(wheel) ways of eve(waves)[ma’sz] re y’s i\/I [ways//w/ay’s] cCc’ing))) for”ma’sz a y’el/w(h)ile that a’sz cunning crafty deadly daring duplicitous dopey dupe duped duplicity of that indivisible individual that I am is is in(being be”am’ing) any mere y g”round y na/you now out(x) appearing around & around & around rolls//roles asz though(tsz) dying y el in name alone.

Become more aware of that awareness moment by moment or ignore it lifetime by lifetime.

Become more aware that you’re (it asz eve’n(a)//ma’sz though(tsz)) awareness of it.

A’sz time(now) a y’el(a w(h)ile) in turning peels away of eve(wave)(ma) re y layer it brings you closer to it.

Let it love you now//y na.