Money Money  MONEY (go go GO(A)(L)D)

M one y mere(mirror) go go Go(a)(l)d

M(em or y) (of) one y me”re(mirror) y en o(no/na/na me/now).

M(em or y) (of eL(Go(a)(l)d)//Love) one y na”me (Mr.) re(mirror) an y me”an(ordinary binary) you (me(m) or y//me or you).

Money is funny.

Money is fun(ny (a))ction of function (great go go go(a)(l)d) we all(wheel) turn (h)our attention asz too(two) pay most attention that gets us go go going in the morning, turns (h)our head at noon, & gets us out in the eve, in eve re y asz ma re y g”round.  It makes the whirl go round.

Money is m(em or y) (ove eL mere(mirror) Love – Go(a)(l)d) one(single singular) y/you (are – a (Mr.)re) y na/me’re(mirror) an y (are – a(Mr.)re) point of view(you/y) seer sight seeing out(x) z y x’et’ting anding, duplicating that t(h)ing assembly asz though(tsz) in word money, m(em or y) (of) one y/you merely(mirror’ly) en o y/you now/you na me(you denied in the na’me of money/memory)

Y/you cannot take it w/you being that indivisible invisible individual y’all along.

The first last & last first.

Y/you w/most money-     memory(asz though(tsz) being merely(mirror’ly) desparate/d’hi – to perceive to think (being asz being) separate(apparent/a pair’ent))    shall be last place in(being be”am’ing) ka’m’ing knowing k”new ka’s mic ka’s all y(causal y) y’all bodhi mirage mirror”age of Aquarius age of man’as mind’or y/you being be’am’ing that still(motionless immortal) free freed freedom standing status state star’e(the)y/you out(x) na/now a’re/a Mr. re mem(or y) be’ring being mere(mirror) being w/in the first place.  Remembering that awareness of that, that being mere(mirror) being w/in the FIRST PLACE first person present singular that I am(em\/me or y/you) is is.

Only sufficient suffering evaluates, promotes in(being)still(i)s value desire(from above) asz too(two) one remembering that moment by moment or ignored lifetime by lifetime.

Blessed are the poor & suffering for they shall inherit that memory being being w/in the first place.

Pity those of any y na/you not suffering enough asz too(two) realize that.

Money, money, MONEY = memory layers upon layers/chains of ornamental border’fringe’ dhi ‘fence ‘case’ of y/you na’gating asz though(tsz) denial of that ‘black’ whole center centered centrality of that awareness A ware ‘n(a)(not) esse to be A’ten binary positive negativity any mere(mirror) y na me(m or y) d’na y’ll(denial)(w(h)ile) duped duplicitous(there is only y/you appear in the first place) deadly dang duplicity of wealth & poverty, grace & sin, fruitfulness & sterility, dominion & slavery of pairs(appearing/a pairing) of opposites in being be’am’ing that indivisible still(immortal) star’e(the) seer sight seeing y now out(x) y reflected asz though(tsz) y/you asz ex u’all ma”k(a)ing baby(ba being y).

Thus in(being be”am’ing) that mirage mirror age of Aquarius(((w/ater (Mr’s.)ri(vers) – us))) we all(wheel) in turning (h)our y/you awareness asz x u’all realize, become more aware of it(being mere(mirror) being) moment by moment in(being be”am’ing) the first place inter- dimensional, dimension that being aware merely(mirror’ly) being awareness.

Thus being believing y/you a’sz nothing is being believing/realizing y/you asz eve’re y thing.

If everything is (any mere y na/you now a’sz) nothing then (any mere y na/you now a’sz) nothing is eve’re ‘y’ thing.

Being nothing is mere(mirror) being eve’r(e)y thing.

That way is is w/ay(eye) of eve’ll, eve re y t(h)ing will B(o) O. K.(o = ABBC key 15 Ayin: the Devil/D(hi) eve’ll/dhi to perceive eye will see, asz that function of mirth/mirror’th to reflect asz though(tsz) in word/na’me y na/you now that being mere(mirror) being in the first place asz x act’ly any being (mirage/mirror’age) being y na/you now out(x) at last.

Thus eve’ll is way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function x(out) an y y na/you now appearing asz too(two) disappear, born too dhi asz too(two) perceive to wish to think asz though(tsz) that I am now(time) in the name of el/love/go(a)(l)d making or losing money.

Ain’t it funny that way.

Y/you gotta laugh you’r(e) asz of(f) appearing asz too(two) dhi.