it (it) pronoun, possessive its; plural nominative they(the y); objective them(the m).  The nominative(named (y)na”tive) & objective singular neuter pronoun of third person.       it noun In certain children’s games, the player required to perform some specific act; You are ‘it’.

Awakening to it,    that continuous attention(the y) of perpetual intelligence(the m(em or y)), moment after moment is,    is by(being y) y’all me’re’all’y realizing some/same thing asz eve’re y thing being equal in any mere point of view/you/y na/you not(denied/ignored) now appearing forming a w(h)ile, creating asz though(tsz) a pair of opposites, a duplicate duplicitous duplication of that singular pose able to be infinite potential, that point of view/you/y asz mirage(mirror’age) the e star’e eht(stare’t/start at it) y/you out(x) of sight situated asz though(tsz) other side of intervening space, y/you seer sight seeing asz though(tsz) x sight(ed) by(being y) reflected reflecting reflection that ka’s(cause) mic’ro(le) wave(way of eve) re y b(l)ack’g’round, (& around & around) you/y sa me(same asz universal soul/ka’s y’all bodhi-causal y memory) asz you now any mere y na me(named memory).(y na = you not = you now asz though(tsz) d’na y’ll – denial of ignore-ance/intentional disregard.  In that disregard you control it by desire from above, from the ka ‘s mic center chakra(wheel) inches ‘above’ your(e) head.  Thus asz that ‘desire'(d’na y’ll) it seems asz too(two) control you.  D’na y’ll = dhi to perceive, to wish, to think, to desire + na not, now + y  yod, you, iota(I ay’in(being) t(h)a(t)) + (e)ll energy, go(a)d (from above – ove a b(ing)(that ka’s mic being ka’s mos(memory w/ay’in sa(me)).

“Exploring that interstellar space between stars, astrophysicists finding not empty inorganic atomic primal-scape but an organic molecular fullness filled w/PAHs(abilities)(Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons-PAHs-benzene rings), building blocks of an overall generic structure     (((((Ka’s mic being being ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi experienced directly & periodically asz z  z’leep back into one un(a)consciousness by way of eve(wave) re y bodhi’s mere(mirror) function of sleep reflecting that ka’s mic (mirror) mic ‘ro(le) wave(way of eve’re’y bodhi) asz black’g’round & around & around complete d”ark’ness rolls(ro’les) being to perceive awakening in(being  be”am’ing) da y light(el-great go(a)d ig’n’iting asz’on/son/sun)))))    genus[??? will we all(wheel) in turning into that genus/race run out of space for(ma’ss) a w(h)ile???] analogous to (being) that (being) chemical & molecular carbon(car(e)’bo(r)n car(ry)ing carrier wave(way of eve) re y) based human(hue & cry of man’as mind or y//memory//me or you) kind.   Thus astrophysicists & chemists     (((((& y’all/we all(wheel) in turning into that being in mind’or y memory e’x’perienced directly & periodically asz z  z’leep from nexus(nex’t’oo us) back into one un(a)consciousness/black whole it is y/you are a(Mr.)re you’re it you’re it YOU’RE IT !!!!)))))       captured in a philosophical phase shift of epic proportions”   .  . . . .after “Stardust Revolution” by Jacob Berkowitz & the dawning of Mirage(me’re age) of AQUARIUS.

Any mere(mirror) y na/you now awakening, (you’re) it or y na not now, moment by moment.

Awaken (asz one) it into mirage/mirror age of Aquarius ka’s mic man’as mind or y/you are a(Mr.)re., y na/not/now?