“If it is all the same to you . . . .”

That (that awareness that I am is) is the same asz that memory being ka’s mic memory intelligence consciousness universal soul re’experienced directly & periodically by(being y’all) asz z  z’leep b(l)ack into one un(a)consciousness.

[<Skr. sa actual base for nominative(subjective) case 3rd person pronoun tad/tat – that – often for emphasis connected w/another pronoun as w/ aham (I am), twam (thou (art)) – soham (that I (am)) , sa twam (that thou (art)) . . . . .                                                                       like esha, ka, ya used to denote Purusha the Universal Soul]                                                    .                  p.1111, col.2 Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Sir M. Monier Williams

Sa / Samekh ABBC key 14 same y same(that (A)me/Ami/I am) k asz that ka’sz y(cause y) that makes(ma”sz ke’s(ma’sz ke’y’asz)) up the way of (e)ve’r(e)y ‘fabric’ ‘that’ that y’all appears/a pairs asz too(two) matter in(being be”am’ing) memory//me or you.

Thus that is that same thing, that sa me(m or y) t(h)ing((assembly)- asz em bly(being ‘eL’ y) of thoth(tsz) great go(a)d of art(being) that thou(you/y) a(Aten) (Mr.) re (that) point of view/you/y = same(sa me(m or y//me or you) asz that awareness that I am aware of reading this now.  There(t’at/that here) is only(indivisible) you/yod/y that I am is is.

There is only you you YOU y y y you’re that Mr. re single singing singular point of view/you/yod/y eve’n(a) still(immortal) appearing a pairing asz any mere(mirror) y na you now out(x) & about painting the town.