It is possible that that awareness, that I am is is that being mere being ka’s mic memory intelligence consciousness.

It,   referring to way of eve(wave) re y t(h)ing(everything asz), any mere(mirror) function out(x)(wave function) of point of view/you/y na/you not(denied), now pointed asz though(tsz) out(x)(now y/you (is it)asz x is tsz asz y na me(m or y) asz mere(mirror) function of appearing a pairing (still asz though(tsz)) beside(being sides of) the point asz though(tsz) in y na’me’mory(sa’me asz na’me),   is possible, having adequate power capacity re’experienced directly & periodically asz z  z’leep back into one un(a)consciousness ka’s all’y(causal y) bodhi being(being y w/in) merely(mirror’ly)(on awakening) appearing/a pairing being(being y na/now w/out(x)) to perceive y/you asz x is ting asz though(tsz) in memory of (y) na’me y’et(y/you ‘et’ing/a pairing asz) that w(h)ile(space of cunning duplication) still(motionless immortal) that awareness is ka’s mic(memory intelligence consciousness)

Thus we all(wheel) in turning into it, that ka’s mos(‘m’emory ‘o'(w)ay’in sa’me-universal soul memory) are possible asz PAH’s (able) interstellar ka’smic elemental elements being w/in merely(mirror’ly) being w/out(x) y/you appearing asz any any ANY mere y na bodhi y/you’re’experienced directly & periodically asz z  z’leep b(l)ack into one un(a)consciousness point of view/you/y by(being y) forma’sz(mass/ma(eve) asz) a w(h)ile(space), ka’s(k’urving a’s) mic’ro way of eve(wave) re y b(l)ackg’round & around & around mirage(mirror age) chains(change) of complete d”ark’ness asz cunning duplicating duplicitous duplicity, a pairing(appearing) of opposites a’re; life & death; peace & strife; wisdom & folly; wealth & poverty; grace & sin; fruitfulness & sterility; dominion & slavery w/in(being) still(motionless immortal) that singular invisible indivisible individual y/you a’re; point of view/you/y ka’s mic ro(le) wave(way of eve) re y b(l)ackg’round being be”am’ing reflecting reflected reflection asz though(tsz) any mere(mirror) y na/you not, now, y/you d’na y’ll(denial) asz x is ting, that the y ting(t(h)ing(wai’ting)) assembly asz though(tsz) it is possible.

Thus the wait is over whether you/y deny it or (y na) not.

The wait/weight/gravity of energy/en y erg(urgency) is over/ove re; whether/ w/he(y)ther(e) HEY HEY THERE!!!!!!!!! you deny w/intent of being busy merely being busy(w/all that matter(a’sz)) (awakening) in(being w/in)(realizing)it y’et or not.  It is possible (asz too(two) realize apprehend discern pick up on that/it)

{{{{{It is possible asz too(two) re’convert y’all that matter(a’sz) back(re) into one energy, one go(a)d, single go(al(l)d.  Thatsz the key to Akhenaten/Awakening/A’ten w/ak(h)en(that I am) mono’the’is’m   – the single m(emory) is (it is possible – ka’s mic PAHs ability to remember that being that KA’S MIC BEING in(being) the first time first place time-space man’as mind’or y/memory my my MY me or you!?!?!?!?!?!?!?}}}}}}

That that awareness that I am is is a subject that may be approached rationally & scientifically like any other it, is possible.  The only difference is there is no difference.

Thus it is possible that that awareness can(or not) be negated or denied as other than that(being) that I am (is in being) denying it.  It seems the only purpose of denying it, that one, would be as though(tsz) too propose other possibilities.

{{{{{What could be greater than that ka’s mic being PAHs able being y’all w/infinite potential possibilities?}}}}}

Now that I am is(denied asz denial) is infinite potential, able to be you for other wise(y’s)      (((y’asz na’me/not the sa’me – sa being universal soul me(m or y)))) other use(you’asz).  Now being time(t’i’me/t(h)at i\/I me-am/that I am(being, being indivisible) that I am is is in(being)finite potential, able to be appearing/a pairing/duplicating merely(mirror’ly) asz though(tsz) (being that that I am is is indivisible) other wise(y’sz) (that point of you being y that I am is is individual/indivisible) is it, it being y/you, that indivisible individual now possible asz mere(mirror) potential to be seen, asz too appear, too a pair.  That seer that I am is is now potential to be seen asz it is possible, still that is y/you are that point of view/you/y now star’e y’ing out(x) in space(a w(h)ile) (seer y/you asz though(tsz) x(x is tsz) appearing a pairing duplicating asz duplicitous duplicity too(two) be seen asz though(tsz) it is possible.

In that, I am sure of one thing & only one thing, that I am(is is) in every action, thought, dream, or even slumber that I am experiencing, in every sight that I am, the one who sees.

Therefore it is possible to be aware of that even asz in(being) (that) awareness that I am (is is) appearing to be.

It is possible, being that I am there, the re; point of view, seer sight seeing wherever & whenever that I am seeing y’all(anybody or anything) asz too realize that any sight is mere(mirror) seeing you now(any y’na) asz though(tsz) na me(name memory/me or you).

It is possible we all(wheel) in turn(ing) asz though(tsz) into mere memory circumscribe metaphorical walls around that free freed freedom being w/in being w/out asz complete roles of ornamental (y being or na’me ‘n’t’al) border personality a w(h)ile still free standing status being seer, merely(mirror’ly) the e star’e reflected asz though(tsz) out & about being that being it.  It is possible.