= as above so below = the symbol of two lands(heaven & earth) joined w/’ \ ‘diagonal forms hieroglyph =\ (letter B) ‘in’ being that ‘house’ ‘in’n(a) of being na/not/now being asz ‘in’ the first place ‘indwelling’ that being being first person(pre’sent) from above, ove ab a b’ing(de sire)(father of Ma’asz the great go(a)d’ess’e(to be) energy) asz being w/in so/sa that universal being y, y you’re any mere(mirror) y na/you not, now w/in(being) asz though(tsz) appearing a pairing w/out(x) y na(now not/denied), you now(time/t’at i\/I’m/that I am) being asz though(tsz) y you appear a pairing asz too(two) x is tsz asz being w/out(x), x’eting(anding)(in the first place a second) a w(h)ile, mere(mirror) awareness asz duped duplicitous being merely(mirror’ly) duplicity in(being) duplicating asz though(tsz) any y na me(m or y)(y/you now asz though(tsz) named memory, thus being appearing w/out(x), being asz denial(y’ll d’na) of that indivisible universal being – positive negativity of any mere(mirror) y na/you not/now – you being y w/in appearing a pairing asz being w/out(x) by denial of being indivisible immortal asz that being w/in).

Thus asz we all(wheel) turn into that epic stardust revolution of astrophysics, asz too faced chimera being, being at once immense & minuscule recognizing if not realizing being that (micro-macro) ka’s mic memory-intelligence-consciousness being in space (a w(h)ile) it is possible, being that being w/in so(sa’me) being w/out, for(mass/ma(eve)’asz) anyone anyone ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! asz too(two)    (((((being merely asz though(tsz) appearing a pairing being that limited being lacking (something by) being w/out))))))      become more aware of being that (micro-macro) ka’s mic being w/in moment by moment.

In being that the individual has tremendous advantage over the institution(asz) religion(charity) or science(education) bound up in great icons(images) imagining systems of belief based still on that principal principle y you’re -indivisible invisible individual ka’s mic being appearing(a pairing)(asz though(tsz)(y x is tsz)(infinite potential) of the indivisible invisible ka’s mic being        ((((((y’all experienced directly & periodically asz z  z’leep b(l)ack into one un(a)consciousness)))))))      by being y/you now awakening(a’ten(binary – by ‘na’ture/t(at) u/you (a)re (y’ll d’na)) w/ak(h)en(I a’m(em or y)(ancient memory of Akhenaten).  Institutions never sleep but individual members do.  Thus even institutions may experience a collective awakening asz that awareness    (((((merely remembering that ka’s mic memory intelligence consciousness being that being)))))       reaches critical mass(ma(eve)’asz way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function realized just asz    (((((justice – ABBC key 11 eL – 1 singular being merely(mirror’ly) appearing a pairing asz 1 great go(a)d of urgency/energy inward(word) asz though(tsz) ka’s mic pow pow power function way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function reflecting(collapsing) asz though(tsz)(falling together) in word capacity for(ma’sz/mass))))))    direction, action, work.

Thus we all(wheel of fortune & mis(sed)fortune) turning churning burning in(being be”am’ing) awareness of being aware of that w/out(x) realizing y you’re busy being busy working asz too(two) appearing a pairing work on & on & on a w(h)ile still(motionless immortal), may awaken(a’ten w/ak(h)en) (asz) completely complete completion(ccc) free freed freedom FREE FREED FREEDOM or any mere(mirror) y na/you now, not(denied y’ll d’na).  Realize discern apprehend pick up on that moment by moment or ignore it lifetime after lifetime.

That ka’s mic ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi being to perceive, that seer sight seeing ‘fills’ universe asz black space(a w(h)ile) (h)our plan’et(mirror design) (h)ear’th sound ways of eve(waves) re y function of mere(mirror) function(fun’ny'(a)ction) in(being be”am’ing) ka’s mic”ro waves(ways of eve(ma’sz) b(l)ack’g”round in complete rolls/roles of d”ark(of covenant w/great go go Go(a)d of Energy asz care born(carbon) matter) y you’re asz though(tsz) x is tsz y asz ex’u’all et'(ing) all.  Thatsz y y’all gotta laugh you’r(e) asz of(f) appearing to disappear, asz the or y na(asz though(tsz) y you’re not, now being mere(mirror) awareness of that ka’s mic being.