The question is z z  z y x is tsz(y exist) ?

Why y y ?

Why y you’re asz though(tsz) appearing a pairing asz too(two) x is tsz(exist) ?

Is it why y you’re asz though(tsz) in(being be’am’ing) man’as mind’or y/memory asz me or you appearing a pairing asz y you’re z ex u’all asz too(two) ma’ke a ba’by ?

Is it y you’re you a(Mr.)re merely suffering so asz too(two) appreciate why y you’re(Mr. re-principal principle point of view/you/yod/y) also{{{{y’all so/sa being that universal being}}}} re-experienced asz z z’leep back(re) into one un(a)consciousness re’al’m(emory) infinite potential ka’s y’all(causal  y) only then asz though(tsz)        {[(tsz=ABBC key 17 missing in (h)our Greco-Roman alphabeta, the e star e eht / start / stare at it means asz though(tsz) in man’as mind’or y asz too(two twa tw’is’t(x)) ex’per’i’ me n(y)t(experiment in time) y’ll d’na(time w(h)ile duplicity of denial of that invisible indivisible individual)]}    awakening in man’as mind’or y/memory asz me or you (((awakening in dawn of age of Aquarius revealed in missing ]]]]]]]]]missing y you’re you a(Mr.)re[[[[[[[[[[ asz’key(ing) 17 ABBC letter ‘tsz/tzaddhi’ pictured asz that water bearer revealing the beginning of the way through the channel pouring in(y) & pouring out(x) of man’as mind’or y you’re appearing a pairing asz though(tsz) two(twist of d’na y’ll appearing a pairing) in(being) the first place for(ma’sz) a second or two.

Y are you z ex u’all/y’all asz too(two) ma(sz) ke a ba(being that singular being) by(being y you’re) appearing a pairing being w/out(x) in(being) the first place?

{{{{{{{{[[[[[[perhaps our role asz ex’u’al(l) (y’all) beings is mask of our real purpose to discover that interrelated being being to realize discern apprehend pick up on being still(immortal) from the start, the e star e eht, the stare of that seer sight seeing realizing that awareness that that I am is is completely complete completion appearing to disappear or dying asz z  z’leep b(l)ack(re) into one un(a)consciousness ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi being to perceive experienced directly & periodically by y’all in(being) the first place of first person(ic) present singular that that ka’s mic memory intelligence consciousness that I a’m(emory) is is, or any mere(mirror) y na you not, now (if y not now when???)]]]]]]]]]}}}}}}}

Is that y we all(wheel) turn away on purpose asz ex ?