Y you’re; asz too(two) being that the or y that believe it’or na, not, now to be that being?

Y to be (the) or y na to be?

Why you’re asz too(two) appearing to be that theory of believing you’re being that, being not now(denial-y’ll d’na).  That is y(why) you’re appearing born asz too(two) merely die.  Why believe that theory??????????why why WHY?????

The ‘or y’ of ‘mem or y’ is man as mind or y you’re now as though(ts) appearing in na’me(bodhi being asz too perceive merely(mirror’ly) being or y na(not) you now/time after time only as though(ts) too(two) disappear in being that being me or you or so we all in turning into that now(time) believe as that the or y of me(m) or you(asz memory), despite (h)our timeless experience mode(l) of being that indivisible asz z  z’leep periodically(33+% of c’mon life cycle!!!) b(l)ack into one indivisible individual un(a)consciousness.

HAVE YOU ALL HEARD THE NEWS ?!?      Man awakened being that being !?!  Now in(being time) for(ma’ss) we all may turn to realize its y’all the same, in name or na me(denied w/intent of intentional disregard of indivisible invincibility of that individual y you’re in(being be”am’ing) the(mind)’or y(the’or’y of that way of eve(wave) re y t(h)ing) the ting/assembly asz though(tsz) of t(h)ing’k’ing(k’urving) about & around & around complete rolls/roles of d”ark’ness of that universal c’mon ‘black'(black black BLACK baby!!!!!!) bodhi re; experienced directly & periodically by y’all asz z  z ‘leep b(l)ack into one un(a)consciousness micro-macro ka’s mic ka’s y’all(causal y na) no’w/ bodhi being to perceive to think to wish to desire asz that dhi sire/father from inches above y you’r(e) any mere y na you not now a’head(or behind, below, right, left, & projected y’all around & around & around !?!?!?!?!

Thass some ‘sa me’ being that (universal) being ‘GREAT GO(A)D NEWS !!!’ BABY

MAN AWAKENS BEING that being memory of being THAT being me or you!?!

What/why are we all in turn(ing) waiting/weight’ing forma’ss y’all that matters when instead we all may turn b(l)ack into energy/en y erg(urge) to realize (h)our time(now) of being that being free freed freedom experienced directly & periodically by(being y) y’all asz z  z ‘leep b(l)ack into one quantum LOVE SUPREME bliss only appearing a w(h)ile awakening asz though(tsz) the(hey)’ting, the assembly of thought asz memory, the or y of me or you a pairing in man’as mind’or y.  It’s only being that being asz though(tsz) me or you (the or y).  Still(motionless immortal) from that invisible indivisible point of view/you there is only y you a(Mr.)re the e star’e eht star’t being that seer sight seeing.  Are you that seer?  Is there any difference between you & that seer, the one who sees?  Is that seer ever seen?  ever objectified asz other than that, that I am is is asz that ‘there’ I am in mirror reflection.

Being that still(motionless immortal) center centered centrality ccc completely complete completion constantly computing constant micro-macro ka’s mic being instantly(less than yoctosecond!!!) reabsorbs y’all eve’n(a)(ma)’asz though(tsz) of being other y’sz asz y you’re na not now (((positive negation w/intent of intentional disregard/ignore-ance of that indivisible invisible individual by(being y you;re) being that being, that (bodiless) awareness that that I a’m(em or y) is is))).

Thus just asz  (((((((justice – ABBC key 11 eL great go go Go(a)d – Energy way-ting(weighting) ‘G’ee’sz us(G force) of eve(wave) re y function of (wave) function)))))) the ka’s mos ‘black’ space ‘covers’ y’all asz planetary/star/gallactic/super massive Black (W)hole systems being that being ‘PARAMASAMYA’ supreme sa’me(m or y) ya yod hey vav hey appearing a pairing in(being be”am’ing) sheer(transparent) duplicity bodhi of any mere(mirror) y na bodhi being to perceive asz though(tsz) other y’sz you'(a)sz guys (in dhi’s guise).

Being so, relax, even the x-panding universe cannot outrun that being, being that  eve’re’y awareness of any mere(mirror) mirage(mirror age)(of Aquarius) y you’re asz though(tsz) out(x) x-panding or contracting y’all along.  After all’y (mirror’ly) y’all that being, being in the first place is what/why that original creative eve’n’t possible asz where/from what/why/y you’re  & into what/why/the”re point of view/you/y it(big bang) potentially happened to begin w/y’all.

So relax asz being that macro-micro ka’s mic ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi being to perceive potential ways of eve(waves) re y t(h)ing y you’re y’all along being that being.