That ABBC key 5, vav, is repeated 5 times in (h)our modern Greco-Roman alphabet asz letters f, u, v, w, & y.

That key 5 is pictured(in 3-D hieroglyphic-hieratic-Hebraic- Greco-Roman-Tarot-ABBC book of cards) asz the Hierophant, a crowned man being sitting on a throne w/two priests kneeling before him.  Hierophant [< Gk. < hieros  sacred + phainein show] is official interpreter, inner voice of that being, that singular invisible invincible indivisible individual being y you’re; experienced directly & periodically asz z  z’leep b(l)ack into one un(a)consciousness.  That being merely(mirror’ly) being that sole soul per pose of being still(motionless immortal) free standing status the e star e eht(stare at it) point of view/ you/ y you’re al(l)(really REAL) asz that ‘black’ bodhi, that being lack(ing), y being(the or y asz though(tsz) w/out(x) appearing a pairing(in mem or y) on awakening asz any(y na)bodhi may be revealed asz revelation by that inner voice, that ” ‘something’ that seemed to say to me”.

“This that we call interior hearing, is the real inner teaching, coming from your own Inner Self, your true Teacher.  That Self is represented by the Hierophant.  In this connection we must caution you that the true interior hearing is not the negative, lower psychic types of clairaudience.  The difference is readily distinguished by the quality of what is heard.  Intuition is above reason, but never contrary to it, and it never urges you to do an unethical or selfish thing.”     .                                                                                        Dr. Paul Foster Case, 1931

Y’all a w(h)ile(cunning deceitful duplicity of y you’re appearing a pairing asz x u’all(y’all)) that being w/out is predicated on ignore-ance(y’ll d’na/denial) of that sole soul invisible indivisible being w/in hence asz y you’re too(two) (y you not now((you y’ll d’na, that positive negativity of intent, that intentional disregarding that being w/in(being))) often failing hearing that voice.

Still, being that being, y’all may experience revelation of that voice asz “did the great prophets of Israel declaring again & again “thus sayeth the Lord” as if reporting things heard.  It is the contention of practical occultists, those that subscribe to ‘inner’ knowledge, that this kind of experience may be repeated whenever the right conditions are provided.”  “Rare it may be, but it is perfectly natural.”        after P. F. Case

That is why this key 5 is repeated 5 times asz f, u, v, w, & y.  Repeated 5 times asz reminder to remember why why WHY yYy being y you are, y you are, Y YOU ARE!!!!!! that point of view/you/y being that ka’s mic ka’s y’all(causal y) singular indivisible invisible individual bodhi being to perceive asz seer sight seeing on awakening, on being that a (aten – binary – being bi/y na/you not now(y’ll d’na)) w/ak(h)en/ak(h)enaten  (I a’m(em or y/the or y/mind’or y of that/aten) w/perfectly natural ‘ears to hear’ that inner voice.  It seems that ‘voice’ is smothered on awakening by presuming the ‘old’ mind of matter asz (h)our any y na you not now(time) bodhi of calcified neurotic memory that we all(wheel) turn into asz conditioned habit a w(h)ile, still being that completely complete completion ccc free freed freedom indivisible invincible individual awareness that I am is is now & forever, at least as far as that I am knowing.

The admin author that I am,      saved by this voice at 2 yrs of age w(h)ile being run over by 1951 panel delivery truck & thus initiated on this course to process these words in regard to realizing being “BE STILL”  that being hearing here in that invisible(bodiless) indivisible singular voice,      lives to tell the story.    {{{{{{that voice ‘brings’ total recall re; 2 yr. old may instantly recognize ‘machinery’ form(a’ss) loaded w/concept that normally takes years to develop w/respect to adequate vocabulary & association as well facial recognition including differentiating emotions w/respect to content differing one day, one moment to another.  Y’all to say that ‘world’ w/out ever remains at all times & places, infinite potential one un(a)known.  Thus the longer y’all linger in that before resuming/assuming conditioned notional identity, the greater the opportunity in a life}}}}}} It seems only when life itself depends on it will y’all pay attention(& life always ALWAYS depends on it, being that being alone(indivisible) for just asz(justice) we all(karmic ka’s mic wheel of fortune & mis(sed)fortune) turn on ignore-ance of that(being w/in) now a w(h)ile in living the apparent life w/out realizing y, we all turn on ignore-ance of that y’all too quick coming of apparent death.

It pays to pay & invest attention asz too(two) still being that singular ka’s mic being.  Could say y you’re you, life depends on it, being that whole point of view/you/y you’re appearing a pairing asz x u all(y’all) in the first place, being that micro-macro ka’s mic bodhi being to perceive to wish to think to desire.

Invest in(being) that aten’t’tion asz awareness becoming aware of being aware moment by moment or ignore it lifetime by lifetime.

“Scientific discovery is not what we really think it is.  What happens is that the Universe programs our brains.  The success really belongs to [being that being] the Universe, not to us.  This has been the way of it throughout human civilization.” . . . . . . . . . .after cosmologist ‘fast’ Freddie Hoyle