It matters little or a lot depending on the or y(theory) of man’as mind or y now, you not(denied/ignored – positive negation w/intent of intentional disregard of that being w/in(y/you/yod/iota/that I am) being w/out(x)) now asz though(tsz) being apparently a pairing(y you’re; you asz’ex”u’al(y’all)) me or you(memory).

What does it matter = Why, for what purpose, does it matter, signify, or communicate?  Why does it communicate?

Who is it depends on whether the pronoun it is nominative subject, they/the y(they say) or objective, them/the m(em or y)(by they is meant them).  Thus it is that most professional noun, objective of subject & subjective of object.

Either or, it communicates out(x) in(being be”am’ing) y you’re you or any mere(mirror duplicity) y na you not now, y’ll d’na(denial/you now in theory-the or y of mem or y), y you’re; you now(any time) asz x.  Thus x is tense, at ten(t)s(z)ion for x’press purpose of LIBERATION asz too(two) situation of y you’re appearing a pairing in(being be”am’ing) any mere(mirror duplicity) y na you not(objectified) now asz though(tsz) in man’as mind’or y now(appearing) being w/out(x), y na(you not) realizing y, y y x is tsz(why you exist)(apparently asz too(two) being(sz) liberated!?! – asz though(tsz) liberated from being being asz though(tsz) bound(y asz too(two) x’s tsz).

In other word(sz) ‘it’ is a set-up, a duplicity of theory/the or y where y you’re; you appearing a pairing asz x(un(a)known – one now known(objectified)(apparently in memory/me or you) where x is tense at tension(attention that now must be paid (the sum of one cent(sent from above)) of any mere(mirror(duplicity)) y na, you now denied w/out(x)(y na/you not) realizing y you’re; you, that still center centered centrality point of view/you/y you’re; that seer sight seeing now(time) asz though(tsz) seen in memory, in being apparently(a pair’en’tly) me or you.

Thus until you pay attention, you may not realize y or what(y) you’re; you now, or does it matter.  Does it (that voice inside you’r(e) head) communicate?