Y do you matter?  Y do you signify?  Y do you communicate?

Y do you?  Y  asz too(two)(that one you’re; now asz though(tsz) too(two)) appearing a pairing y you’re; you now not(denied/ignored) asz x u’all(y’all asz though(tsz) sexual)  do  (to(two) per”for’ma’sz(mass)) any mere(mirror duplicity) y na you now asz two fabricate x’ample y you’re;  you (asz) matter, a w(h)ile(you y’ll d’na) still being that completely complete completion indivisible invincible individual free freed freedom standing status now(time) awhile(space) in(being be”am’ing) energy/en y(y na) erge/urge asz too(two) appear a pair(y you asz x u’all) by memory, by(being y) mem(mind) or y, the or y of man’as mind’or y, yyy, y you’re; you being that still (motionless immortal) center centered centrality ccc point of view/you/y that I am is is seer sight seeing significantly?

Is that y/you communicate, asz too(two) cause(ka asz) others to share in(being) that (realizing realization) in(being) y you’re; you?