Go for the go(a)lden mind’ or y(memory) you’re; you in(being be”am’ing) the first place.   Realize discern apprehend pick up on y you’re you in the first place in(being be”am’ing) first person present singular that I am is is eve ‘n(a)(now) (ma ‘asz(mass)) appearing a pairing asz though(tsz) any mere(mirror duplicity) y na x’t(next) time or place.

It may seem y you’re; you is asz though(tsz) for no(na) reason or for any mere y(g”round) na you not now re; asz on appearing a pairing asz x u’all(y’all sexual)(y you’re you now not(y’ll d’na/denial) y you’re; you asz though(tsz) x – un(a)known – one known (objectified).

Y x?  Y x is ‘tsz'(Y exist)?  What(Y – for what purpose) is the go go goal(d)?  Y you’re you asz though(tsz) appearing a pairing too(two) y’sz (two) x is ‘tsz’ asz x u’all y (y’all asz sexual) beyond the obvious reason of procreation?  Beyond procreating y you’re; you asz though(tsz) x is ting(assembly asz though(tsz)) again & again & again asz too(two) lose a gain, asz too(two) appearing a pairing then disappearing by dis’a pairing b(l)ack into one un(a)consciousness y a’re; you you?  What is the go(a)l”d’en(in) mind’ or y(memory) am(a memory) I that appearing to disappear?  Why(y/yod/iota) am(em or y – the or y) I that that I(iota/yod/you/y) am(a memory) is is appearing asz though(tsz) too(two) in the or y of mem mind’or y disappearing?

It seems there is no y(na y any mere y na) x’planing y w/out y you’re you asz now(na) eve re y though(tsz) appearing a pairing now(y na)(ma) asz(mass) x is ting, x is that y you’re you now(y na) asz m’b’ing el y(assembly)(asz though(tsz)).  M b’ing el y is the or y of memory b’ing el, the great go go go(a(l)d(go(a(l)d’n’ ~GOLDEN~mind), or y(for what purpose) you’re; you now(y na) appearing a pairing asz x u’all(y’all) in(being be”am’ing) the first place.