Notice that feeling being alone is the most natural predisposition of anybody.   Is it likely that any extraterrestrial contact w/exoplanets would change that inner feeling?   Even swept up in excitement & large crowds of friends & supporters, that inner sense of being alone remains.  Is it beyond imagining any flight across the ka’smos to some recognized familial whole new planet while still accompanied by that nagging persistent feeling of being alone?  Are those astronauts spending hundred+ days in ‘outer’ space delivered from this inner constant companion being alone w/in any being asz though(tsz) w/out?

How, in what way is this feeling being alone even(a) possible?  Are we all in turn(ing) not surrounded & permeated micro ka’smic’ally by billions of neurons & cells as well asz macro ka’smic’ally by billions people planet, stars, & galaxies recognized or unrecognized?  Who is alone where?  Most importantly, why, why do we all in turn(ing) primarily feel being alone?

Exactly!  Why?(X act(ing) el(the or) Y in man’as mind’or y(me(x) or you(y))???  Perhaps therein the question is the answer.  Why, why, why, is y y y,  y you’re; you still(motionless immortal indivisible)(asz you must be still a point of view/you/y to pose the question y you’re; you) now merely(mirror’ly duplicating) asz though(tsz) asz x u’all(y’all a’s’ex) in(being be”am’ing) memory(of ‘x’ per i\/I en(in) ce(seer sight seeing)(y you’re; you asz though(tsz) experiencing past present future) of a w(h)ile(cunning deceit of that duplicating duplicity of the or y of man(w/ or w/out womb)’as mind’or y you’re; you now asz x(un(a)known/one known(objectified)).  Notice that presence of BEING alone IS’RE’AL(IS’RA’EL)!?!?!?!?!?! . . . . . . . being alone, is real. . . . . . .BEING, ALONE, IS REAL.. . . . . . . . . .that PRESENCE present tense singular awareness that that I am is is y(yod/iota) you’re; now(time) appearing awhile(space) asz though(tsz) being (that being still alone(indivisible)) apparent(a parent asz x u’all) a pairing w/in or w/out(on this plan’et or any other plan’et(any mere(mirror duplicity ‘plan’/design et’ing/anding/duplicating)y na you not(y’ll d’na/denial) now).  Thus the primary x bodhi (experiential bodhi) is that we all(wheel) turn into asz z  z’leep b(l)ack into one un(a)consciousness bodhi being to perceive that I am is is invisible indivisible individual micro-macro ka’s mic ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi being this being still alone(indivisible).  Now(time) that asz plan’et’ar(e)y(you’re;) (h)ear’th is super imposed(mirage duplicity) su’person’ic way of eve(ma’sz/ma’ss) (wave) re y function( home [<Gk homos same][<Skr. sa/su/so universal being + me(m or y)].

Are we alone in ABBC letter code =  A re; w/e(the) A eL o ne = A/aten(a binary) re; w/the e A/aten(a binary) eL(great go(a)d (of) o ne = A/a bi na r(e) y(a being re; y na/you now not(y’ll d’na/denial) w/the e eL(great go go go(a)d/energy o(ayin/I in(being be”am’ing) ne/ni/na – y na – you na – u ni(verse).

In other word asz letter code(ABBC) A re; principal principle point of view/you/y a’sz binary, a’sz being y you’re; a binary, any mere(mirror duplicity) y na you not(y’ll d’na/denial) in the or y(a binary) of you now(bi now) in man’as mind’or y(memory) asz thoth – great go(a)d of sigh’ence/science(breath breathed breathing) art(being be”am’ing) letter’all’y(in word)/asz though(tsz) we al(l)/wheel turn into one black bodhi being being asz too(two) perceive to wish to think in complete roles of d”ark(of the covenant w/thoth(tsz) – great go(a)d of energy of infinite potential) en potis esse able to be any mere y na t(h)ing ma’sz(mass) assembly asz though(tsz) appearing a pairing out(x) & about w/out really dividing.

Thus in being that micro-macro Ka’s mic ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi being to perceive being any mere(mirror duplicity) bodhi by asz though(tsz) turning around inspir(al)ing a(binary) y’ll(w(h)ile) d’na(DNA) still(motionless center centered centrality) point of view/you/y feeling(fielding) being alone.