Y(why) be(a)ware(be wary)(being be”am’ing w/ar(e) y you’re; you) of any mere(mirror duplicity) y na you not(y’ll d’na/denial – positive negation of being that invisible indivisible individual) by you now asz though(tsz) in(being be”am’ing) x-position of appearing(out-x) a pairing asz too(two) in one x(un(a)known – one known(objectified subject it or subjective of object it – you’re it) a’s e’x is ting(assembly asz though(tsz)) in the or y of man’as mind’or y(mem or y) you’re you still(motionless immortal) a point of view/you/y now(any y na) x-planed by x-position in(being be”am’ing) any mere(mirror duplicity) y na you now sens(feeling) or y per’ception or y felt feeling(bio-cognitive field) of view/you/y you’re you still in the first place for”ma’sz(mass) the first time(t’i”me/t(h)at i\/I a me(m or y).

In other word)sz any exposition, any positing of x(explaining or expounding on y you’re you merely(mirror’ly duplication) y na you now asz though(tsz)        (tsz = ABBC key 17 – tszaddi – missing from (h)our modern Greco-Roman alphabet – the ‘fish-hook’ “signifying that which draws the fish(nun/y na/you now(not) out(x) of the water(mem or y)” – ? ? ?{notice hook’?’ has no(na) ‘barb’} – y y y(???) – y you’re you – quest questioning quest”i\/I on/am(that I am is is) the e star e eht – the e star’e eht – re; seer sight seeing point of view/you/y you’re; you((((((thus  point being objective of seeing being that you see)))))) or the or y yod hey vav hey(sheer duplicity of you not now being any mere y na(out/x)(y’ll d’na – denial – positive negation{{{{{key 17, the ‘water-bearer’ pours in(being be”am’ing) & out(x asz though(tsz) x is tsz of(by, for, from, to, in, asz, is) that pool of memory – asz though(tsz) the or y x planed asz any y na sens or y field(felt feeling feel’d)(bio-cognitive field) of view/you/y       w/intent of appearing a pairing(bi”o)  out(x) & about raising all kinds of heaven & hell!?!?!?!? on one plan”et mean w(h)ile still looking for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!plans asz too(two) ‘et(duplicate).

Y beware of x plan”’et”a(c)tions/explanations (being that being out(x) duplicating any y na plan by mere(mirror) way of eve’ll(wave will) re y asz function of function el the great go go go(a)d of ENERGY(consciousness) x-posure(x posing asz though(tsz) y).

WELCOME asz too(two) the Mirage(mirror age) of Aquarius, the e STAR’e eht of a beautiful thing’k’ing in(being aware be”am’ing) man’as mind’or y — y you’re you asz the or y na now appearing a pairing in me or you(asz indivisible memory).

Thus th'(e) us in ri;vers(reverse) AQUA (asz water)(Aquarius) – attention naturally flows in(being be”am’ing) asz too(two) one direction till meeting back(re;)(crashing into riptides) w/re; source like raindrop drawn up asz too(two) fall falling from above(of ab – a being) down into rivulet to stream to rivers(e) back(re;) to an ocean(an y y na(ma)’otion) asz z  z syandamanaha (man’as mind ‘flowing’ back(re turning)(disappearing) into one ‘great'(being being)(ben ben) man’as mind’or y you’re; you y’all a long long loooooooonnnnnngggg w(h)ole (indivisible) w(h)ile(space)(cunning deceit of you now dupe duplicating duplicity) still free freed freedom standing status the e STAR ‘e eht(tsz’ar) now(time) appearing a pairing asz though(tsz) out(x) & about turning churning burning down the house(inn being first place) asz though(tsz) for’ma”sz(mass) a second or two.