is height above/ove ab(father-sire) dhi sire of sea(r) level of great Go(a)d of energy/en y(any any ANY) erge en’t(urgency)            (that en(un)/noon function of mere(mirror) way of eve’ll(wave will)re y motion forma’sszz z  z ‘leep off a’l(l)e(d)ged(potential) k’nowing(knowledge)into then out(x) of one o ne(una)consciousness inciting    (in-being mere(mirror) being now asz though(tsz) k’now’ing born to die–be”ing ginning/gaining to lose by awakening – aten w/ak(h)en(akhenaten – that I am)in’g(go go go(a)d of energy)          need asz ka’s mic ka’s y’all(causal y) black(be lack(ing)) bodhi being merely(mirror’ly) being to desire offset by elevated emotion gratitude.  Thatz being generally grateful no matter what circumstance we all(wheel) of fortune or mis(sed) fortune may turn asz too(two) find (h)our singular being merely(mirror’ly) appearing//a pairing in(being be”am’ing) an y y na t(h)ing//hey t(h)ing”k’ing.

In other word(sz) be awful thankful for y’all low dog lyin’ thievin’ weaselin’ sons’a bitchin bastards’ callous disregard of bitter indifference & blighted arrogance promoting picking up on that liberation realizing complete nonattached utterly useless yet mean means meaning of life being alone still that being of mere(mirror) mirage(mirror age) awareness that that I am is is appearing a pairing in me or you(memory).

Y you’re; you gotta laugh laugh laugh (y) your(e) asz of realizing that!?!?!?!?

Thus that eve’re y desire of ma’sz propagates z y x-peh’re i\/I (e)n ce’ing(experiencing) ‘b’lack’ bodhi being to perceive b’eing lack”ing by ignore-ance / intentional disregard of that indivisible full fullness being still(immortal) completely complete completion//cCc//center centered centrality awareness(A ware en(way of eve(wave)re y motion/action) ‘ess(e)/being(being that) that I am is is.

In(being be”am’ing) other word(sz) gratitude of appreciating that complete ‘lack of lack’ is realizing discerning apprehending picking up on reality of indivisibility of that individual that I am is is y’all asz eve’n any merely(mirror’ly duplicity) appearing//a pair’ing being being asz memory//mem man’as mind’or y//y’or mind//my//me or you asz an y y na ma’sz way of eve(wave)’re y(mass) bodhi.